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Happy Mother's Day

Ben had been wracking his brain for weeks, trying to come up with the perfect Mother's Day surprise for Miranda, his wife and the mother of their three wonderful children.

The morning of Mother's Day arrived, and Ben was up before the crack of dawn, determined to make Miranda's day extra special. He tiptoed into the kitchen, careful not to wake the kids just yet. With a glance at the clock, he rolled up his sleeves and got to work.

As the sun began to peek through the curtains, Ben heard the sound of footsteps shuffling into the kitchen. It was Joey, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"Ben, what are you doing up so early?" Joey yawned, still half-asleep

Ben grinned, gesturing to the array of ingredients laid out on the counter. "Morning, I thought we could surprise Miranda with a homemade breakfast today. How does that sound?"

Joey's eyes lit up with excitement. "Awesome idea, What can I do to help?"

Ben handed Joey a whisk and a bowl. "How about you start by whisking some eggs for scrambled eggs? I'll get started on the pancakes."

As Joey eagerly began whisking away, Tuck stumbled into the kitchen, followed closely by Pru, who was rubbing her eyes and clinging to her favorite stuffed bunny."What's going on?" Tuck asked, blinking away his sleepiness.

Ben smiled "We're making breakfast for Mom. Want to join in?"Tuck nodded enthusiastically, immediately jumping in to help with setting the table and slicing fruit for the fruit salad.

Meanwhile, Pru toddled over to Ben, tugging on his shirt. "Pru help too"

Ben scooped Pru up into his arms, placing her on a stool next to him. "Of course, sweetheart. How about you help me stir the pancake batter?"

Pru beamed with excitement, grasping a wooden spoon in her tiny hands as she enthusiastically stirred the batter.Together, the family worked in harmony, the kitchen filled with the aroma of sizzling bacon, freshly brewed coffee, and the sound of laughter and chatter. Ben smiled as he glanced around at his kids, feeling grateful for these precious moments together.

With breakfast prepared and the table set, Ben glanced at Pru, who was eagerly tugging on his hand."Alright, Pru, let's go wake up our special lady" Ben said with a smile, lifting Pru up onto his hip.Pru giggled with excitement as they made their way upstairs to Miranda and Ben's bedroom.

Ben softly pushed open the door, revealing Miranda peacefully asleep in bed, bathed in the soft morning light filtering through the curtains.

"Wake up" Pru exclaimed, wriggling out of Ben's arms and bounding over to the bed.

Miranda stirred awake at the sound of Pru's voice, her eyes fluttering open to see her energetic toddler bouncing on the bed beside her.

"Good morning, babygirl," Miranda said, her voice still groggy with sleep.Ben stepped forward, leaning down to press a gentle kiss on Miranda's cheek. "Happy Mother's Day, love."

Miranda's eyes widened in surprise as she took in the sight of Ben and Pru standing before her, both wearing matching mischievous grins.

"What's going on?" Miranda asked, a hint of curiosity in her voice.

Ben winked at Pru before turning back to Miranda with a grin. "We have a special surprise for you downstairs. But first, we wanted to wish you a happy Mother's Day."

Miranda's heart swelled with love as she gazed at her husband and daughter, feeling incredibly grateful for their thoughtfulness. She leaned over to wrap her arms around Pru, pulling her into a tight hug.

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