And he's FATHER

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Happy Father's Day
It was the night before Father's Day, and Miranda was bustling around the kitchen, her mind racing with excitement. She was putting the finishing touches on the special plans she and the kids had concocted for her husband, Ben. Ben was a phenomenal father to their three kids—Tuck, Joey, and little Pru. So Miranda wanted to make sure his Father's Day was unforgettable.

Miranda and the kids had decided they would wake up extra early to cook breakfast for Ben, even though he was usually the one whipping up delicious meals for everyone. She could already imagine the surprise and delight on his face when he realized they had taken over his morning kitchen duties.

In the living room, Tuck and Joey were busy making a "World's Best Dad" banner with construction paper and markers, while Pru, with her tiny hands, was carefully gluing glitter onto a homemade card. The atmosphere in the house was buzzing with anticipation and love.

"Remember, we have to be super quiet in the morning," Miranda reminded the kids as she checked on the ingredients for breakfast. "We don't want to wake Dad before everything is ready."

Miranda glanced at the clock. It was getting late, but she had a few more things to prep before she could call it a night. She quietly arranged the ingredients they would need in the morning—eggs, bacon, pancake mix, and fresh fruit—making sure everything was in its place. She smiled to herself, imagining Ben's surprise when he woke up to the smell of breakfast cooking.

"We got this mom" Tuck smiled seeing the slightly stressed look on his mother's face.

"Dad is going to love this. Mainly because the world's best kids put it together for him." Joey added with a grin

"I made daddy a pretty card." Pru pointed to her glitter covered card. Miranda chuckled despite the fact that she would be cleaning glitter up for the next coming weeks was looming in her mind.

"Okay" She gave a satisfied sighed and nodded looking over everything one last time. " Let's head up to bed."

They all headed up to bed. Each one ready for their awesome Father's Day celebration. As she crawled into bed next to Ben, who was already fast asleep, she felt a wave of gratitude.

The next day, the sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon when Miranda carefully slipped out from Ben's arms. She moved slowly, not wanting to wake him, and tiptoed down the hall to the kids' rooms.

First, she gently shook Tuck awake. "Hey, Tuck, it's time," she whispered. Tuck rubbed his eyes and nodded, a sleepy but excited smile spreading across his face. Next, she woke Joey, who sprang out of bed with the same enthusiasm. Finally, she quietly entered Pru's room. The little girl stirred as Miranda brushed a few strands of hair from her face.

"Good morning, sweetie. Ready to help with Daddy's surprise?" Miranda asked softly.

Pru nodded eagerly, and Miranda scooped her up, carrying her to the kitchen. The boys followed, their excitement mounting.

They gathered around the counter, and Miranda handed out their assignments. "Tuck, you're on pancake duty. Joey, bacon is all yours. Pru, you're my special helper with setting the table."

The kitchen buzzed with quiet activity as they worked together. Tuck carefully poured the pancake batter into the pan, watching it sizzle. Joey laid strips of bacon on another pan, the savory smell filling the kitchen. Miranda whipped up some scrambled eggs.

Pru, with her small but determined hands, placed plates and cutlery on the table, arranging everything.

"How's it going, team?" Miranda asked, smiling at the sight of her kids working together.

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