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Miranda just started dating Ben and things were going pretty well. After a few nice dates, Ben invited her over to his apartment for dinner. She had prepared for this date maybe even to the extent of over preparing. She thought back to her awkward conversation with Callie about the 'sex-date'.

When she arrived, Ben greeted her with a warm smile and invited her in. His place was cozy, with soft lighting and the delicious aroma of something home-cooked wafting through the air. Everything seemed perfect until Miranda noticed a movement out of the corner of her eye.

A big Rottweiler bounded over, tail wagging and all.

"Oh, you have a dog," she said, her voice a little higher than usual. "What's his name?"

"Yep, that's Doc," Ben said with a laugh. "You know, because I'm a doctor."

Miranda forced a smile. "How original," she said, trying to keep her tone light. She hoped her discomfort wasn't too obvious.

Ben chuckled, nodding.  "Thought it was a clever name. He's a big softie, don't worry."

Softie or not, Miranda hated pets.  Always had. The fur, the smell, the noise—it was just too much for her. But she didn't want to seem rude, especially not on their first real date at his place.

"How lovely" She nodded

Ben seemed oblivious to her unease. "He loves meeting new people."

Doc chose that moment to get up and trot over to Miranda. She stiffened as he sniffed her shoes and then her hand.

"Nice to meet you Doc" she managed to say, resisting the urge to pull away.

Ben smiled, clearly proud of his dog. "He's the best. Go ahead and pat him. He loves it."

Miranda swallowed hard, tentatively reaching out to pat Doc on the head. The dog's fur was softer than she expected, but the whole situation still made her skin crawl.

"Good boy, Doc," she said, doing her best to sound enthusiastic.

Ben didn't seem to notice anything amiss. "I'll get started on dinner. Make yourself at home" He walked towards the kitchen, leaving Miranda alone with Doc.

As Ben cooked, Miranda and Doc continued to exchange cautious glances. Miranda found herself locked in a silent standoff with Doc. The dog's eyes seemed to follow her every move, making her feel even more uncomfortable. He stood there in front of her with a curious tilt to his head.

Just as the silence was starting to feel awkward, Ben's voice broke through her thoughts. "So, how was your day?" he asked, his attention focused on the simmering pot on the stove.

Miranda snapped out of her reverie, grateful for the distraction.

"It was busy," she replied, her voice a bit strained. "I had a couple of surgeries at the hospital."

Ben nodded, his attention divided between stirring the pot on the stove and listening to Miranda. "Sounds intense. How did they go?"

Miranda launched into the details of her day, describing the surgeries with a mix of professionalism and enthusiasm. Talking about her work always helped to calm her nerves, even in the presence of a giant dog that made her uneasy.

Doc, sensing the shift in attention away from him, settled down on the rug and watched the two of them with what seemed like curiosity.

As Miranda finished recounting her day, she glanced at Ben, hoping he hadn't noticed her discomfort earlier. To her relief, he was smiling warmly at her.

"That sounds amazing," he said, reaching out to squeeze her hand. "You're so dedicated to your work. I really admire that about you."

Ben reached for a bottle of wine on the counter. "Would you like some wine?" he offered, holding up the bottle.

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