Name Change

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Joey sat at the kitchen table, on his laptop filling out online forms, he felt a mix of nervousness and determination. Dropping out of college had been a tough decision, but now, as he filled out forms to re-enroll, he knew it was the right choice. Mainly because Miranda wasn't about to let him just skip out on college and waste all his potential.

"Hey, Mama M, Pops," Joey called out, looking up from his screen. Ben and Miranda, looked over from where they were sitting, exchanging a curious glance.

"Yeah, what's up?" Ben asked, his brows furrowing slightly.

"Feeling overestimated by all these forms." She asked

Joey took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before speaking. "I... I want to legally change my last name to Warren," he said, the words coming out in a rush.

Miranda's eyes widened in surprise, while Ben's expression softened, a small smile playing at his lips. "Warren? You.... you want my last name? ," Ben asked

Joey nodded, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders as he explained. "Yeah" he nodded " I've been thinking about it for a while now. I want to honor our family, our bond... I want to carry your name, Dad."

"You sure about this. You know you don't have to." Ben asked trying to hold back from the real reaction he wanted to give.

"Yes, Pops. You know with my going back to college I have been thinking about my life. And ... I want to do school this time. I want to make a fresh start. I want Joseph Warren to go to college and graduate. I wouldn't be there without you guys."

Miranda smiled "Well, if that's what you want, then we're behind you one hundred percent,"

With a whoop of excitement, Ben leaped out of his seat, his enthusiasm contagious. He scooped Joey up into a bear hug, swinging him around in a circle as laughter filled the room.

"Ben Warren put that boy down." Miranda laughed seeing her husband fling Joey like a ragdoll. Nearly suffocating him in the process of his celebration.

"Joseph Warren, huh?" Ben mused, setting Joey back down on the ground and ruffling his hair affectionately. "Has a nice ring to it."

Joey laughed, filled with happiness at his father's enthusiastic reaction. "Thanks, Dad," he said, feeling a surge of gratitude for his family's unwavering support. "I thought so myself."

"That's my son." Ben hugged Joey again. " My son."

"Your son." Joey nodded "And Mama M, I would do Bailey Warren but uh...I always assumed your name was Warren too but you just never used it." He shrugged

"Don't worry about it." She waved her hand " Joseph Warren sounds just fine."

"Sounds better than fine. Sounds fantastic." Ben laughed " Man, wait till Ros hears this."

Just as the laughter and celebration were winding down, Tuck walked into the kitchen, his eyebrows raised in curiosity. "What's all the noise about?" he asked

Joey turned to him, unable to hide his excitement. "Hey, Tuck. I'm officially going to be a Warren," he announced, beaming with pride.

Tuck's eyes widened in surprise before a big grin spread across his face. "No way. That's awesome, Joey. Congratulations, man," he said, pulling Joey into a quick, brotherly hug.

Tuck glanced over at Ben, his expression softening as he fully grasped the significance of Joey's decision. Ben had always treated Joey and Tuck as his own, but the fact that Joey was taking on the Warren name was a special, heartfelt gesture.

Ben's eyes glistened with emotion as he looked at his two sons. "My boys" He wrapped his arms around their shoulders causing them to laugh.

"You know, guys, I'd add Warren to my name too, but I think my dad would have a stroke if he heard about that."

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