High Stakes:High Reward:High Costs

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AN: I think I had a little too much fun writing them as criminals lol
The Grand Royale Casino buzzed with the hum of slot machines and the chatter of gamblers. Miranda, draped in an elegant red dress, sashayed through the crowd, a confident smile masking the tension within. Her eyes discreetly scanned the room, noting the positions of the security guards and the flow of the casino staff.

In the surveillance van parked a few blocks away, Ben monitored the feed from the cameras hacked by their tech genius. He spoke into his earpiece, his voice calm and authoritative.

"Alright team, positions."

Outside the casino, two of their guys orchestrated a staged car accident. A loud crash echoed through the street, followed by a burst of fireworks. The colorful explosions drew the attention of the casino's security team, who rushed outside to manage the chaos.

"Distraction in place," One of them confirmed over the comms.

The tech guy's fingers flew over his laptop keyboard. "Looping the cameras now," he announced. "You're clear to move."

Miranda made her way to the high-stakes poker table, her insider, a dealer, gave her a subtle nod. The rest of the team, disguised as casino staff and patrons, moved into position.

In the restricted area, the dealer swiped her keycard, granting access to the basement. The safecracker followed close behind, his toolkit slung over his shoulder.

"Timer's set," Ben's voice came through. "You have ten minutes before the security feed resets."

The dealer led the safecracker to the vault door, nervously glancing around. "Hurry," she whispered. He crouched by the vault, his fingers working with precision. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he bypassed the biometric scanner and began to manipulate the combination lock.

Back in the casino, Miranda kept an eye on the clock. Suddenly, a voice crackled in Ben's earpiece.

"Ben, we've got a problem," The tech guy said. "New laser grid in the vault corridor. Must've been installed recently."

Ben cursed under his breath, he knew he had to alert his safecracker. "Heads up. New security measure. You need to improvise."

He paused, assessing the situation. "Got it. Give me a moment."

He pulled out a small mirror and flashlight, carefully angling the mirror to reflect the lasers' positions. He adjusted his tools, working with heightened focus.

In the main hall, Rickey, one of the crew members eyed the poker chips and cash with greed. He nudged Miranda, a sly grin on his face.

"Why don't we take a little extra for ourselves?" he whispered.

Miranda's eyes narrowed. "Stick to the plan. Don't jeopardize everything."

He scoffed but stepped back, begrudgingly following her lead.

The vault door clicked open, revealing stacks of cash and rows of safety deposit boxes. The pair at the vault quickly filled their bags, their movements efficient and practiced.

"Package secured," He reported.

"Good job. Now get out of there," Ben instructed.

The dealer led the team to the hidden passageway—a maintenance tunnel that ran beneath the casino. As they made their way through the tunnel, Miranda joined them, having slipped away from the poker table unnoticed.

Above ground, their getaway driver revved the engine of a nondescript van. As soon as the team emerged from the tunnel, they piled into the van, bags of cash in tow.

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