Rescue You

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The blaring sirens of the fire engine pierced the air as Station 19 raced toward the scene of a crash. The team was all adrenaline and focus, knowing every second counted in emergencies like this. As the truck screeched to a halt, Captain Andy Herrera quickly assessed the situation and started barking orders.

"We've got a two-car collision." She began before telling everyone their designated task for this call.

Ben moved with purpose, but as he scanned the wreckage, his blood ran cold. He spotted a familiar car. "No, no, no," he muttered under his breath, and without thinking, he started running towards it. "Miranda" he shouted.

"Warren, wait" Andy called after him, but he was already halfway there.

Travis quickly stepped in, grabbing Ben by the arm and pulling him back. "Ben, you can't. Let us handle this."

"That's my wife" Ben's voice cracked with desperation. He struggled against Travis, but he held firm.

"I know, Ben. I know," Travis said, trying to keep his own voice steady. "But you need to stay back. You know the protocol."

"Let me go" Ben shouted, struggling against Travis's grip. Panic surged through him, overriding all training and protocol. "I have to get to her"

Vic stepped in, placing a firm hand on his chest. "Ben, listen to me. You need to stay calm. Let us do our job. I'll go check on her, okay?"

Tears of frustration and fear welled in Ben's eyes, but he nodded, knowing deep down that Vic was right. She turned and sprinted towards the wreckage while Ben stood there, every muscle in his body tensed, his mind racing with worst-case scenarios. This was one of his last shifts at 19 before he started back at Grey Sloan. He never imagined he'd have to face this.

Ben strained against Travis's grip, his eyes glued to the scene. "Miranda please," he whispered, fear clawing at his chest.

Inside the car, Miranda was unconscious, blood trickling down her forehead, but breathing. Vic assessed her quickly before picking up her radio, "She's alive, but we need to get her out now"

"Bailey, it's Vic," she said softly, trying to keep her own emotions in check. "We're going to get you out of here, okay? Just hang on."

Ben's breath seemed to stop, he felt he was drowning in dry land but he knew he had to trust his team. Travis's hold loosened slightly, but he stayed close, ready to support Ben if needed.

Andy was already coordinating the rescue, her voice calm and authoritative, directing each member of the team to their tasks. "Vic, stabilize her head and neck. We'll get the jaws of life over here to pry the door open."

As the chaos of the scene unfolded, Ben's mind raced with worry. Amidst his concern for Miranda, another thought cut through his fear like a knife, "Pru. Is Pru in the car?" he demanded, his voice hoarse with fear.

Travis, still holding onto Ben, shook his head. "We don't know yet, Ben. Let's focus on getting Miranda out safely first."

But Ben couldn't shake the thought of Pru being in that wrecked car. Every second felt like an eternity as he waited for confirmation. He scanned the area, searching for any sign of his daughter.

Vic, still assessing the situation inside the car, heard Ben's frantic question. She quickly glanced around and saw no one else in the vehicle. "Ben, I don't see anyone else in there," she called out, hoping to ease his worry even slightly.

Travis relayed the message to Ben, his grip on his friend's arm tightening. "Pru's not in the car, Ben," he said firmly, trying to reassure him.

Relief flooded Ben's body, but it was quickly replaced by a different kind of fear – fear for Pru's safety wherever she might be. "Where's Pru then? Is she okay?" he asked, his voice trembling.

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