The Fire Academy?!?!

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AN: Last one and then it's back to our regularly scheduled one shots that don't actually have much to do with the actual plot of the show lol 


Pru sat nervously at the kitchen table, her hands fidgeting with the hem of her shirt. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the conversation she was about to have with her parents. She ensured to call her big brothers for backup just in case.

"Mom, Dad," she began, her voice shaky but determined, "I've made a decision for my future. I want to go to the fire academy."

Miranda's eyes widened in disbelief, her mouth slightly agape. Ben, sitting across from Pru, smiled proudly, his chest swelling with a mix of emotions. "That's fantastic, Pru! I'm so proud of you," he exclaimed, reaching out to squeeze her hand.

Miranda, however, was not as enthusiastic. "The fire academy? You..... want to be a firefighter" Her heart twisted. She wanted to be supportive, she truly did, but the thought of Pru risking her life every day.. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Moreover, she couldn't believe her husband was so enthusiastic about their daughter running into fire.

Tuck and Joey, exchanged a quick glance, silently communicating their readiness to intervene if needed. They knew their mom all too well.

Tuck stepped forward, placing a reassuring hand on his mother's shoulder. "Mom, just... take a deep breath. We all knew this day would come eventually."

Joey chimed in, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, Pru's been talking about following in both her dads' footsteps since forever."

Miranda took a moment to compose herself, her mind racing with worry for her daughter's safety. "But... but it's dangerous, Pru. I don't want you risking your life like that."

Pru stepped closer to her mom, her eyes filled with determination. "Mom, I understand your concerns, but firefighting is in my blood. It's who I am. I want to make a difference, just like my father did and just like you dad."

Ben placed a comforting hand on Miranda's other shoulder. "Miranda, trust me, I understand your fears. But Pru's got the passion and she has been around it her whole life. She'll be in good hands."

Joey, sensing his mom's apprehension, gently reminded Miranda of a pivotal moment in his own life. "Hey Mom, remember when I dropped out of college? You were the one who encouraged—or maybe threatened me—to go back, and look where I am now. I'm a successful man who can proudly say my momma was in my corner the whole way," he said with a grin.

Tuck joined in, adding his own perspective to the conversation. "Yeah, Mom, don't forget about me too. You were always there, encouraging me to push through the tough times and pursue my goals,"

Miranda's frown deepened as she addressed her sons. "Yes, you're both right about my support, but your dreams didn't involve putting your bodies in burning buildings," she said, her tone serious and concerned.

Pru exchanged a pleading look with her brothers, silently urging them to help her convey the depth of her passion and determination. Then, she turned to Ben, searching for understanding and support in his eyes.

Ben sighed, placing a comforting hand on Miranda's shoulder. "Miranda, I understand your fears. But firefighting isn't just about putting out fires—it's about saving lives, helping others, and making a difference in the community. Pru has the ability, the intelligence, and the heart for it. She's made her decision, and as her parents, we need to support her."

Miranda let out a scoff, shaking her head. "Support her? Ben, as her parents, our primary responsibility is to ensure she stays in one piece and out of harm's way," she insisted

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