Throw Something On The Grill Day

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I just know Ben be throwing something on that grill.
Ben woke up with a sense of anticipation. It was the Fourth of July, and he knew exactly how he wanted to spend it. "I'm throwing something on the grill today," he announced as he stretched out of bed.

Miranda chuckled, still half-asleep. "I'll handle the sides," she murmured, rolling over to catch a few more minutes of rest.

Ben walked down the hall to Tuck and Joey's room and knocked on the doorframe. "Hey, guys. I need you to get the grill out and set up the tent. We're having a cookout today."

The boys grumbled a bit but got up, knowing it would be a fun day. Ben then headed to the bathroom, took a quick shower, and dressed casually for the day ahead.

As he was about to leave, his daughter Pru came running up to him, eyes wide with excitement. "Can I come to the store with you, Daddy?"

Ben smiled and nodded. "Of course,princess. Let's get you dressed."

After helping Pru into a cute summer outfit, they headed to the store together. Ben loved these moments with Pru, enjoying her innocent chatter.

As Ben and Pru pulled into the parking lot, his phone buzzed with a text from Miranda. She'd sent a list of things she wanted him to pick up. With Pru perched comfortably on his hip, they walked into the store.

He settled her in the cart. "Alright, let's get what Mommy needs,"

They began navigating the aisles, checking off items from Miranda's list. As they passed the seasonal section, Pru's eyes lit up when she spotted the sparklers. "Look. Can we get some sparklers? Please?" she pleaded, her excitement palpable.

Ben smiled, knowing he couldn't say no to her. "Alright, Pru, let's grab some," he said, adding a box of sparklers to the cart. "It's not the Fourth of July without a little sparkle."

Back at the house, Joey and Tuck were hard at work. They dragged the grill from the garage, setting it up in the perfect spot in the backyard.

"Make sure it's level," Joey said

Tuck nodded, double-checking their work. "Got it. Now let's get the tent up."

They spread out the tent fabric and started assembling the poles

"This thing never goes up easy," Tuck muttered, but he persisted, determined to get it just right. After a bit of a struggle, the tent finally took shape.

"Teamwork makes the dream work" They high-fived

Miranda, peeking out from the kitchen window, watched her boys with a smile. She loved seeing them work together. Especially since it was a bit of an adjustment for them when Joey first came to live with them. Tuck was used to being an only child and then suddenly a teenage boy comes to live with them. But seeing the boys really bond always brought a smile to Miranda's face.

Ben pulled into the driveway, the car packed with groceries. He and Pru carried the bags into the house, greeted by the delicious aroma of something already cooking in the kitchen.

"Boys, light the charcoal. I'll be out there in a minute," he called out, handing Miranda the bags with ingredients for the sides. She looked through them and laughed when she saw the extras he had picked up. "Are we feeding the whole neighborhood?"

Ben grinned. "Not quite, but we are having company. I figured it's better to have too much than too little."

Miranda shook her head, amused. "Well, with all this, no one will go hungry."

Ben took the meat outside, where Joey and Tuck were already getting the grill ready. "Nice job with the setup, guys," he said, as he started arranging the food on the grill. The sizzle and smoke filled the air.

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