Dr.Warren Is BACK but a few Doctors are GONE

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Station 19/Greys works fast but so do us Fanfic writers lol; Spoilers or whatever

Ben had always been one to chase adrenaline rushes. From the controlled calm of the operating room to the chaos of firefighting, he embraced every challenge. But as he drove home from the station that evening, the weight of his decision to return to surgery hung heavy on his mind. Things had changed so much for the 19 family. Ben felt the rebirth that came with changes. He felt inspired to do something drastic.

He felt like he could do anything but his body quickly reminded him he was only human. And while his T shots made him feel like SuperMan, it was only a temporary remedy for a long term problem. He had to face facts. It was time for him to leave firefighting behind him. And return to his first love: Medicine.

Entering their home, he found Miranda in the bedroom, humming to herself as she sat on the bed deep in thought. He cleared his throat nervously, catching her attention.

She looked up as he entered, a curious smile playing on her lips. Ben took a deep breath, launching into the speech he had rehearsed in his mind a hundred times.

"I've been thinking a lot lately, and I know I've jumped around a lot with my career, from anesthesiology to surgery to firefighting," he admitted. "But after some close calls and a lot of reflection, I realize where my true passion lies – it's surgery."

Miranda listened intently. "I want to go back to the operating room, Miranda," Ben confessed, his heart pounding with nervous anticipation. "I understand if you're disappointed or frustrated with me for changing course again. but this feels right."

Before she could speak he continued on some more. "And baby, I know how nerve-wracking it's been for you, never knowing if I'll come back home after each shift. I can't bear the thought of putting you through that anxiety anymore. Going back to surgery will give us a sense of stability, a reassurance that I'll be coming home to you and the kids every night." He paused, the weight of his words hanging in the air. "And to be honest, my body isn't what it used to be. The physical demands of firefighting are taking a toll on me. I'm slowing down, and I don't want to risk not being able to keep up when it matters most."

Ben took a deep breath, gathering the courage for his final request. "Miranda," he said, his voice tinged with hope, "I've been thinking a lot about this. Do you think... do you think I could come back to Grey Sloan as a resident? I want to finish learning all about being a surgeon. I want to sit for boards and finally become an actual certified surgeon." He couldn't help but chuckle nervously as he added, "Plus, I heard the residency director is hot." As the words left his lips, he looked up at Miranda, his heart pounding with anticipation, awaiting her response.

Miranda blinked, her expression turning solemn. "Ben," she began softly, "I... I was fired." The words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of disappointment.

Ben's heart sank as he processed her revelation. "Fired?" he echoed, his voice barely a whisper. "But why?" he asked, confusion evident in his tone.

Miranda sighed, her eyes reflecting a mix of frustration and resignation. "It's a long story," she replied wearily, "but let's just say things didn't go as planned."

Ben's brow furrowed in concern. "Did Teddy fire you? Was this about Ruiz?" he inquired, searching Miranda's eyes for an answer.

Miranda shook her head slowly. "No, Teddy was fired too, didn't you hear that? But.... for different reasons," she explained

Ben's mind raced, trying to make sense of the situation. "Different reasons?" he repeated, his confusion growing. "Then who fired you if it wasn't the chief?" Ben inquired, his concern deepening. "Richard?"

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