A Special Celebration: His Edition

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In the sanctuary of their bedroom, Miranda and Ben shared a tender kiss, their lips locked in a dance of adoration and desire. Miranda was determined to make it an unforgettable celebration for her beloved husband on his special day.

"Happy Father's Day, my love," Miranda whispered against Ben's lips. "I have something special for you."

Ben chuckled softly. "I can only imagine" he smirked, his voice husky with desire.

As they continued to kiss, Miranda could feel Ben's erection pressing against her. A surge of excitement coursed through her body. Her mind raced, envisioning the possibilities that lay ahead.

She pushed him gently onto the bed, her fingers trailing down his chest. "Wait here" she whispered against his ear.

Ben looked at her with a bewildered expression, his eyes pleading. "What are you doing?"

Miranda slipped out of his embrace and headed for the bathroom, leaving him with a lingering touch of her hand on his cheek. He watched her go, his desire simmering like an open flame.

Moments later, she emerged, her robe flowing around her body. Ben's eyes widened, taking in the sight of her in the soft, silk fabric.

"Open your present,"she said, her voice a soft murmur.

He reached out, his fingers brushing against the smooth material of her robe. With a knowing grin, he pulled it open. A gasp escaped his lips. Beneath the robe, a stunning set of lingerie shimmered, its delicate lace and vibrant hue catching the light.

"My God, Miranda...Damn" he breathed, his voice rough with awe. "This is... incredible."

Miranda smiled, her heart beating fast. "I thought you might like it," she whispered, her gaze locked on his. "Now, I have a few more things planned for you, Mr. Warren"

Miranda climbed onto the bed and leaned in for another kiss. Ben's hands roamed her body, eager to explore every inch of her. He looked like a man about to pounce, a raw and primal desire evident in his gaze.

"I can't wait any longer," Ben groaned, his hands reaching for her.

"Not so fast,"Miranda teased swatting his hand away. "Your job is to lay there and enjoy the show."

Ben relaxed back onto the bed, his eyes locked on Miranda's seductive dance. She unbuttoned his shirt and slowly trailed her fingers down his chest, leaving a trail of hot kisses in her wake.

"I'm going to undress you," she purred.

Again, Ben lunged forward, but Miranda giggled and reminded him of his duty. "Let me work my magic," she whispered, her fingers working their way down, reaching his waistband.

Miranda's fingers expertly unbuttoned his pants, and with a mischievous gleam in her eye, she slowly peeled them down his legs. He couldn't resist a gentle lift of his hips to assist her, and she rewarded him with a teasing smile.

"Oh, you're impatient, aren't you?" she teased.

"Just trying to help" He smiled

She teased him through the fabric of his boxers, eliciting a series of moans. Finally, she freed him from his constraints, revealing his eager manhood.

"Now, husband"Miranda purred, her voice dripping with seduction. "You are ready to be spoiled"

She could see the moisture glistening at the tip, and she licked her lips, her own body trembling with desire.

Miranda reached for the bedside table and retrieved a small vial of massage oil. She warmed it between her palms and poured it over Ben's chest, creating a slick canvas for her wandering hands.

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