Reckless Behavior

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Miranda and Ben hurried through the hospital corridors, their hearts sinking at the sight of their injured sons, Tuck and Joey, in the ER. Tuck lay grimacing on a stretcher, his arm cradled and clearly in pain. Joey was on another stretcher, an ice pack pressed against his head, his forehead sporting a noticeable gash. His expression was a mixture of pain and guilt.

"What happened?" Miranda asked urgently, her eyes scanning her sons' injuries.

"We...we were on a four-wheeler," Joey began hesitantly.

Miranda exchanged a confused glance with Ben before looking back at Joey. "A four-wheeler? But you don't have a four-wheeler."

Before they could get any more information, the medical staff stepped in. "Tuck needs an X-ray immediately, and Joey should have a head scan to check for a concussion," one of the nurses said.

As Tuck was wheeled away for his X-ray and Joey was taken for his head scan, Miranda and Ben stood in the hallway, the confusion and worry clear on their faces.

"Where did they get a four-wheeler?" Miranda asked Ben, her voice a mix of concern and bewilderment.

"I have no idea," Ben replied, shaking his head. "But we need to find out."

Minutes later, Joey was back from his scan, sitting on a hospital bed with his head lowered. Miranda and Ben approached him, determined to get some answers.

"Joey, where did you get a four-wheeler?" Ben asked gently but firmly.

Joey looked up, his eyes filled with remorse. "We borrowed it from a friend. We didn't think anything bad would happen. We just wanted to have some fun."

Miranda sighed, her heart aching for her sons. "Joey, you know better than to do something so dangerous without telling us."

"I know, Mom," Joey whispered. "I'm so sorry."

Just then, Tuck was wheeled back in, his arm in a temporary cast. He looked at his parents. "It was my idea too. I'm just as responsible."

Miranda and Ben exchanged a glance, their anger tempered by relief that their sons were safe. "We'll talk more about this later," Ben said, his voice firm. "For now, let's see what damage you've done."

Miranda and Ben stayed close to their sons as the medical team worked. Joey had a mild concussion and needed stitches. Tuck needed a cast for his broken arm. As Tuck's arm was being carefully set and casted, Ben decided it was time to get more details about the accident.

"Alright, boys," Ben began, trying to keep his tone calm but firm, "tell us exactly what happened with the four-wheeler."

Joey, still holding the ice pack to his head, looked over at Tuck, who nodded slightly. "We were at a friend's house," Joey started. "His parents weren't home, and he has this four-wheeler. We thought it would be fun to take turns riding it."

"And we were being careful at first," Tuck added, wincing as the doctor adjusted his arm. "But then we got bored just riding around, so we decided to give each other rides while standing up."

Ben's eyebrows shot up in alarm. "Standing up? On a moving four-wheeler?"

Joey nodded, his eyes downcast. "It seemed like a cool idea at the time. But then I hit a bump, and Tuck lost his balance. I tried to grab him, but we both fell off."

Miranda sighed, shaking her head. "You two could have been seriously hurt. You're lucky it was just a broken arm and a concussion."

"We know, Mom," Tuck said softly. "We're really sorry. We didn't think it through."

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