But Then I Got High

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Miranda tackled the mess of her homewith determination, armed with cleaning supplies and a playlist of upbeat music to keep her motivated. As she moved from room to room, she couldn't help but marvel at how quickly chaos seemed to descend upon their home. Toys were strewn across the living room floor, backpacks and jackets hung haphazardly on chairs, and a stack of dirty dishes awaited her in the kitchen sink.

With each task completed, Miranda felt a sense of accomplishment. She knew that maintaining a clean and tidy home with teenagers and a young daughter was no easy feat.

As Miranda delved into cleaning her boys' room, sorting through scattered clothes and organizing shelves cluttered with books and gadgets, she heard the front door open. Ben's familiar footsteps echoed down the hallway, announcing his return from a long day at work.

"Hey, babe. I'm home," Ben called out, peeking into the room where Miranda was elbow-deep in organizing.

Miranda looked up with a smile "Hey, you're just in time to witness the magic of teenage room chaos."

Ben chuckled, stepping closer to give her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Looks like a battlefield in here. Need any help?"

Grateful for the offer, Miranda nodded. "Actually, a little help with folding laundry would be amazing."

Together, they tackled the room, folding clothes, rearranging furniture, and sharing light-hearted banter about the day.

As they sorted through the boys' belongings, Ben glanced at the assortment of bags piled in the corner. "Why do they have so many bookbags?" he asked, eyebrows raised in amused curiosity.

Miranda chuckled, shaking her head as she folded a stack of hoodies. "Well, you know our sons. They play every sport under the sun, so they have separate bags for each—football, soccer, basketball, you name it. And then there are the school bags for their books and laptops."

"Yeah, I guess they're pretty active," Ben remarked, picking up a soccer ball that had rolled under the bed. "I swear I didn't have this many bags when I was their age."

"It's a different world now," Miranda laughed "our boys don't have to carry their books in their arms and put their sports stuff in a shopping bag."

"I had a book bag and one singular duffle bag." Ben retorted

As Ben reached into one of the sports bags to retrieve a stray soccer cleat, his hand unexpectedly brushed against something soft. Pulling out his hand, he discovered a ziplock bag of cookies tucked away at the bottom of the bag. He chuckled and held them up with a playful grin.

"Looks like we've discovered the hidden treasures of their room," Ben teased, raising an eyebrow at Miranda. "A reward for our cleaning efforts, perhaps?"

Miranda laughed, shaking her head in disbelief. "Those boys, bet they forgot all about those."

"Well, I say finders keepers," Ben joked, opening the bag and offering her a cookie.

They sat on the edge of one of the beds, enjoying the unexpected treat amidst the still slightly chaotic room.

As they nibbled on the cookies, Miranda and Ben exchanged glances when they noticed a peculiar aftertaste lingering on their tongues. Miranda wrinkled her nose slightly, trying to place the flavor.

"These cookies are good, but they definitely have a weird aftertaste," Miranda remarked, taking another small bite.

Ben nodded in agreement, "Yeah, it's like... a surprise with every bite."

They both chuckled softly, their laughter echoing in the room as they resumed their cleaning duties. Ben suddenly burst into a full laugh, catching Miranda off guard.

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