Who you with?

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Fun fact: I am actually a proud member of the D9. And while I am all for Greek unity. I do love the occasional Greek messiness.
Miranda sat in the bustling student center, her eyes fixed on the book in her hands, though her concentration was constantly broken by Callie's animated story about one of her professors.

"...and then he actually said, 'Well, if you don't know the answer, neither do I'. Can you believe that, Miranda?" Callie laughed.

Miranda smiled, shaking her head slightly. "That's crazy. I don't know how you get these professors, Callie."

Before Callie could respond, the noise level in the student center seemed to increase even more. Miranda glanced up, noticing a lot of movement and chatter. "What's going on?" she asked.

"It's 'Meet the Greeks'," Callie explained.

Miranda nodded absently, but her eyes were drawn to a group of men in sharp suits, each carrying a distinctive cane. One of them, a tall, handsome guy, caught her gaze. She felt a flutter of nerves as he started walking towards her.

"Oh no, he's coming over here," Miranda whispered, her heart racing. "And he's looking right at me." She pushed up her glasses, a nervous tick she developed as a child.

Callie looked up just as the guy approached their table, his confident stride making Miranda's palms sweat.

"Hi there," he said with a warm smile. "What's your name, beautiful?"

Miranda opened her mouth, but no words came out. Callie stepped in smoothly. "This is Miranda, and I'm Callie."

He chuckled softly. "Nice to meet you, Miranda and Callie. I'm Ben."

Miranda finally found her voice. "Hi, Ben."

He extended a hand, and she shook it, feeling a bit more at ease. "Ya'll ladies busy tonight?" He asked

"I don't think so." Callie looked at Miranda who seemed like she could burst into flames in any minute.

"Well," Ben smiled and pulled out a flyer "Us Greeks are having a little get-together, and I'd love for you to come. Meet us a little better, you feel me?"

Miranda glanced at Callie, who raised an eyebrow teasingly. "Oh, um, I'm not sure," Miranda replied, trying to gather her thoughts.

"It'll be fun, I promise," Ben added, his smile infectious.

Miranda hesitated for a moment "Well, maybe we could stop by for a bit," she finally said, feeling a bit more confident.

Ben grinned pleased with her response. "Great. The address is on there. It starts at 7 pm. Hope to see you ladies there, Especially you." He winked at Miranda and walked back over to the table with his brothers.

As Miranda was still processing her interaction with Ben, another young man caught her attention. He approached confidently, dressed in a shirt proudly displaying his Omega Psi Phi letters and eye-catching gold boots.

"Hey there," he greeted with a friendly grin. "I'm Tucker."

Miranda returned his smile, feeling a bit flustered by the sudden attention. "Hi, Tucker. I'm Miranda."

Tucker's easygoing demeanor put her at ease. "Nice to meet you, Miranda. A pretty lady like yourself is coming to the kickback later tonight, right?"

Miranda hesitated, glancing at Callie who raised an eyebrow in amusement. "Um, I... I'm not sure," she replied, her mind racing with thoughts of both Ben and Tucker's invitations.

Tucker chuckled softly. "No pressure. If you're free, swing by. It'll be fun."

Miranda nodded, grateful for his understanding. "Okay, I'll think about it. Thanks, Tucker."

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