Mommy and Me

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"Time to wake up, Pru. It's mommy and me day." Miranda sang cheerfully as she gently shook her daughter awake. The special day had been marked on the calendar and it was all Pru could talk about for the whole week. Truthfully it was just Miranda's day off and she had some errands to run but she was determined to make every moment she had with Pru special so alongside doing errands she declared today mommy and me day.

Miranda expected Pru to leap out of bed, with hoe excited she had been in anticipation for this day. However much to her surprise that was not the reaction she was met with.

Pru groaned, her eyes still closed. "But I'm so tired. Can't we sleep a little more?"

Miranda laughed softly and reached down to pick Pru up, swinging her into her arms. "Come on, sleepyhead. We have a whole day ahead of us."

Pru's groggy expression turned into a giggle as Miranda tickled her sides. "I'm awake now" she exclaimed between laughs.

As Miranda helped Pru get dressed, she listened to her daughter's instructions with a smile.

"Okay, Pru, let's start with your shirt. Which one do you want to wear today?" Miranda asked.

Pru pointed excitedly to her "My Parents Are Heroes" shirt. "This one, please".

Miranda chuckled, "Great choice." She helped Pru put on her shirt and then picked out a pair of jeans to match.

Pru nodded in approval, "Perfect. Now for my shoes, I want my light-up sneakers."

Miranda helped Pru slip on her sneakers, making sure they were securely fastened before moving on to her hair.

"Alright, Miss Pru, how do you want your hair today?" Miranda asked, pulling out a brush.

Pru thought for a moment before deciding, "I want it in one ponytail, please."

Miranda nodded, "One ponytail it is." She gently brushed Pru's hair and pulled it back into a neat ponytail, securing it with a hair tie and then a bow. This was her favorite part about having a daughter and something she had always looked forward to.

Pru looked in the mirror and grinned, "I love it. Thanks for helping me get ready."

Miranda hugged her tightly, "You're welcome, baby girl."

After helping Pru get ready, Miranda quickly got dressed herself, opting for a comfortable t-shirt and jeans. She grabbed a small bag containing snacks, sunscreen, and water bottles, as well as Pru's favorite stuffed animal.

"Alright, Pru, are you ready to go?" Miranda asked, holding out her hand.

Pru nodded eagerly, "Yep, let's go"

Hand in hand, they headed out to the car, excitement bubbling between them as they embarked on their mommy and me adventure.

Once Pru was securely strapped into her car seat, Miranda hopped into the driver's seat and started the car. As they pulled out onto the road, Pru's curiosity got the best of her.

"What are we doing first?" Pru asked, her eyes wide with anticipation.

Miranda glanced at her through the rearview mirror, "Well, baby girl, first we're going to grab something to eat. How does that sound?"

"I want waffles for breakfast," she declared.

Miranda smiled, "Waffles sound like a fantastic idea, Pru. Let's go find a place that serves delicious waffles."

Pru nodded enthusiastically, her excitement growing as they approached a cozy breakfast spot known for its mouthwatering waffles. Miranda parked the car, and they both hopped out.

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