RootBeer Floats

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AN: I'm still UNWELL from the finale 😭. When Ben told Ros to tell Pru, Daddy is fine 💔 . I need more of THEM. Greys better step up and give the home life Station 19 was giving. 😒
Ben trudged home, muscles aching and clothes reeking of ash and smoke. The wildfire had been brutal, but seeing the familiar outline of his house brought a wave of relief. As he opened the door, the scent of home cut through the smell of the fire.

"Daddy" Pru's voice was the first thing he heard, and then there she was, barreling towards him with all the speed her little legs could muster. Ben dropped to one knee, catching her in a tight embrace. The weight of the day started to lift just a bit.

"Hey, princess," he murmured into her hair

Pru pulled back, her nose wrinkling. "You smell funny,"

Ben laughed, kissing her cheek "That's the smell of a hard day's work, kiddo."

He stood up, carrying Pru on his hip as he made his way to the kitchen. Miranda was there, her back to him as she stood at the stove. The smell of dinner was a stark contrast to the smoky scent clinging to him.

"Hey you." He made his presence known to her.

She turned and her face lit up. "There's my hero," she said, wiping her hands on a dish towel. She walked over and wrapped her arms around him, careful not to crush Pru between them. She leaned in, taking a sniff, and wrinkled her nose playfully. "You smell like a chimney," she joked, her eyes twinkling. "But I'd rather smell you than not have you here."

Ben hugged her back, feeling the last of his tension melt away. "It's good to be home," he said, his voice soft.

Just then Tuck and Joey came bounding into the kitchen, their faces lighting up when they saw their dad.

"Hey, Pops," Tuck called out, grinning from ear to ear. "Glad you made it back."

Joey took a dramatic sniff of the air and pretended to gag. "Whoa, Pops, you smell like a bonfire gone wrong"

Ben chuckled, shaking his head. "That's what fighting fires all day will do to you."

Tuck walked over and clapped Ben on the shoulder. "We're just glad you're home safe," he said, his tone more serious. "It's always a little nerve-wracking when we know you're out there."

Joey nodded in agreement, his earlier joke giving way to sincerity. "Yeah, we worry about you, old man."

"I'm fine, boys. Just another day at the office." Ben laughed, shaking his head. "And believe it or not, I did shower before I came home."

"Seriously?" Joey asked "You smell like you rolled in the ashes."

Tuck smirked. "Might need a second round, old man."

Miranda laughed, giving Ben a playful shove towards the hallway. "Alright, alright, everyone, give your dad a break. Dinner will be ready soon. But he's right, Ben, why don't you go take another shower?"

Ben grinned, giving each of his boys a quick hug before heading down the hall. "Okay, okay, I get the hint.

As he started to leave, he leaned down and whispered to Pru, "When I get out of the shower, how about we have those root beer floats I promised you?"

Pru's eyes lit up, and she nodded vigorously. "Yes. I can't wait"

After his refreshing shower, Ben emerged from the bathroom feeling rejuvenated. The scent of smoke was replaced with the fresh smell of soap, and he couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of energy. He made his way back to the kitchen, where Miranda had set the table for dinner.

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