part 1

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Basant pov

Hello everyone I am Basant I think you guys know me and author jii introduced me right ok then let me tell you, I am going to marry my love Monica tomorrow she's really beautiful girl and a rich girl too I am a relative of mallika her papa ,malikarjun uncle is relative to me so I was very happy that today they are coming to my wedding so this was My small introduction

Here with Monica

Monica pov

Hey again I am Monica tomorrow is my marriage but still my brother Sumedh is not found yet he's very angry person but still loves everyone my papa is a richest person in india I am very happy about my life but where's sumedh

Yash mudgalkar: hii ,ramesh how are you

Ramesh: fine sir how are you

Yash: I am also fine 🙂 how's your life

Ramesh: it's good sir and how's sumedh

Yash: well I don't know still where's he but her mami may know about it let me ask her

He went to Parvathi

Yash: Parvathi where's sumedh

Parvathi: I too Don't know bhaiya

Arpit came there

Arpit: hey I know where he is  you guys don't worry

Yash: tell him to come fast it's 8 pm in night he should be here in 30 minutes

Arpit: ok you Don't worry

Here on way to marriage , mallika side

Meera: mikku all things are ready know

Mallika: haa maa everything is ready

Meera: that gift for groom you kept it in bag know because we middle class people can't offer that much expensive gift again

Mallika: maa you don't worry everything is here

Meera: ok

Suddenly malikarjun said driver to stop the car for to drink some tea 🍵

There was only one shop in the road

Malikarjun and mallika, meera went to drink some tea 🍵

The shop keeper gave tea to them they started drinking but here our hero's side

Siddharth: sumedh slow down this much speed is not required

Sumedh: heyyy you shut your mouth I know what to do

Siddharth: sumedh you are drunk 🥴 you can't handle the car stop it and give me I will drive

Sumedh: Don't you say like that I am conscious of everything you no need to say to me

Suddenly a old man come infront of the car

Siddharth: sumedh watch out

Suddenly sumedh hitted the old man the old man 👴 went far a distance and landed in front of tea shop where mallika and her family were drinking tea 🍵

Mallika: dada

She went to him and took his head on her lap

Sumedh came there and stopped the car 🚗

Siddharth: ohh no sumedh came let's leave otherwise we have to go to jail

Sumedh: shut up you fool

Saying this he came out of the car and went towards mallika

Everyone came there meera and malikarjun was very angry seeing Sumedh, that he hitted a old man

Malikarjun: heyyy you do you have any sense you hitted a poor man there

Sumedh: so what

Mallika: you should have mercy please at least help us to take this man to hospital 🏥

Sumedh: heyy stop this drama you middle class people are only behind money 💰 you guys are shits

Mallika: hello mister we are middle class people but not behind any money you rich people always do like this to proof that you guys have no heart

Sumedh: hee shhhh 🤫🤫 don't talk and take this money and get lost from here

Saying this Sumedh throwed some money on Mallika and went inside the car 🚗

Siddharth: bro came let's leave

Sumedh: wait a minute

Sumedh called Arpit

Sumedh: hello mama

Arpit: muna where are you

Sumedh: mama actually I drunk too much and came driving the car but suddenly I hitted a old man and also gave money for his treatment

Arpit: ohhh is it ,don't worry muna I will take care of it you come here fast every one is waiting for you

Sumedh: thank you mama I love you 😍

Arpit: ok muna 🥰

Sumedh went from there

Mallika: papa I think we should take him to hospital

Malikarjun: yes Mallika come hold him

Both took old man to hospital 🏥

Mallika: Dr it's emergency please see him

Dr: ok

Doctors took him inside icu and checked him and came out

Dr: sorry to say this he's no more

Mallika: what ( a tear slipped from her eyes )

Saying this Dr went

Malikarjun: thus rich people are like this only they never care for others

Mallika: but what about this old man's family papa they will be waiting for him

Meera: sometimes we have to hear destiny words mikku come let's inform his family and leave for marriage your father should do the ritual of marriage for Basant

Mallika: but maa this is not fair 😢 😕

Malikarjun: we can't do anything then this come I am getting late I should do marriage ritual on early morning tomorrow let's leave

They informed that old man's family and left for marriage

Precap: sumedh has girlfriend named riya 🥰☺️

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