part 4

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After 2 days in mallikas home 🏡

Mallika was cleaning the table but someone came from behind and hugged her

Mallika: Pavan leave me if someone sees means

Pavan: let them see and I will say that I will marry you

Mallika : ohh is it then talk to papa

Pavan: well I will but let me ask you first

Mallika: what??

Pavan: will you marry me 😃🥰

Mallika: hmm 🤔 yes I will 🤩

Pavan: thank you so much

Saying this he hugged her again but malikarjun saw this

Malikarjun: what's happening here

They both separated 😕

Mallika: papa I was just mmmm..

Pavan: actually uncle I love Mallika and she too loves me

Malikarjun: what is it true mikku

Mallika: yes papa he proposed me a week back and I accepted it

Meera: how can you accepted without informing us

Malikarjun: let it be meera she's our daughter she will not do anything without our permission

Meera: hmm

Malikarjun: so what are doing for your livelihood

Pavan: I have completed my masters uncle and I have recently joined a company and I am well paid there

Malikarjun: ok tell your parents to meet me today

Pavan: I have informed them uncle I was waiting for your decision so that I can proceed and came here to inform you about our love

Malikarjun: ok where's your parents

Pavan: they will reach here in 1 hours

Malikarjun: ok

Here in sumedh side

Sumedh and riya come to a Cafe

Riya: whey are you upset

Sumedh: what to do I want to take revenge on that bunny and her father because of making Mt mami cry

Riya: it's just your cup of tea ,just kill them

Sumedh: no Riya, I was yet to kill that bunny there in Monica marriage day itself but my hands didn't worked why i don't know after seeing her my face will become cool I can't get angry

Riya: this is just your mercy towards her that's it

Sumedh: hmm I don't think so

Sumedh received the call from Arpit

Sumedh: hello tell me mama

Arpit: sumedh best branded cigarettes are here do you want to try and even there's a drugs also if we take it means it will be kick to life

Sumedh: then bring it mama let's try it today itself

Arpit: yeah I am bringing it don't tell to Yash about this

Sumedh: no no why will I tell papa about this I will not tell to anyone you bring it I will taste it and have fun

Arpit: ok bye

Sumedh cutted the call

Riya: what mama told

Sumedh: nothing I should leave now I have work

Riya: I know which work you have it's party time right came I will also join you 😉 😄

Sumedh: ok as you wish let's go 🚶‍♂️ 🙂

They were leaving suddenly a boy bumped with sumedh

Boy: heyy can't you see

Sumedh: you bumped with me and you are saying me see properly

Boy: yes

Sumedh: youuuu I will not leave you

Boy: what will you do

Sumedh: I will kill you My boy 😡😏

Sumedh took a gun 🔫 from his pocket and shooted on that boys head

Sumedh: head shot 😆😏

Everyone in the cafe were numb seeing Sumedh action

Sumedh: who ever it maybe if they come to my life to hurt me or my family I will kill them that's it 😏😏

Riya: let's go now it's getting late

Both left for party

Here in mallika side

Pavan dad and mom come to mallika home 🏡

Malikarjun: well your son told us everything about your family and about my family we are just 3 members me my wife and my daughter I love my daughter very much and wish for her well being I heard your son is a very good boy and he even suits my daughter as they both are loving each other let's marry them as soon as possible

Pavan dad: yes of course even I wish the same mallika suit pavan very well my son is so much calm and I heard mallika is also same and I agree for there marriage let's fixed a date for there marriage

Malikarjun: yes before you guys came here I saw both pavan and mallika kundali it's matching everything is just perfect so I thought the date of marriage is in this last date of this month that is after 1 week

Pavan dad: yeah it's good we too prefer simple marriage and calling some 100 guests from our side what you say

Malikarjun: ok then let's keep the date after this week and our children be happy 😊

Pavan: ok uncle we will leave now thank you for accepting our request

Malikarjun: it's our duty give what our children likes 👍

Mallika: thank you papa for accepting my love and for fixing our marriage date

Saying this she hugged Malikarjun 🤗 🫂

Percap: sumedh gets to know about mallikas marriage 🤐

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