part 23

80 8 10

Both slept hugging each other

Next morning 🌄

Harsh was doing something on laptop 💻 Basant came there

Basant pov

This man looks suspicious I should keep my eyes on him first before meeting riya and discussing about further plans I should first find how's this harsh and why he came here

Basant: harsh I wanna ask you something

Harsh: yeah tell me

Basant: where you went yesterday night because I saw you came late at 1pm what was the need to go out and came too late haa

Harsh: voo..

Harsh pov

Oh no I think he saw everything but he didn't followed me na or he's simply asking about this

Parvathi also came there

Parvathi: harsh I heard that you came late yesterday night was there any problem

Harsh: no no not at all I was just had some work in hospital that's it nothing more

Basant: really then why are you sweating

Harsh: it's true Basant I was in hospital want can ask in hospital itself

Basant: no need of it

Parvathi: it's ok come let's have breakfast

Harsh: Aunty did you forget Arpit uncle this fast

Parvathi: who told like that he will be alive in my heart forever but we should also move on know that's why come sit and eat

Harsh pov

Strange every one forgot about Arpit this fast hmm

Three of them sat and eat food

Here in sumellika room

Sumedh was still sleeping 😴 Mallika came from Washroom by taking bath 🛀 and saw Sumedh still sleeping

Mallika went towards him and slowly removed the bedsheet from sumedh and spoke on his hears

Mallika: bacha get up its 9 am already you are still sleeping it's not good boys side get up fast

Sumedh: no  😴

Mallika: boo get up na you have to eat breakfast and should take tablets too

Sumedh: hmm no I wanna sleep

Mallika pov

I think he will not listen wait let me do this

Mallika started tickling sumedh and he started laughing 😃 😀

Sumedh: ( laughing ) bunny leave ha ha 😂 I can't able to breathe 😅🤣 stop it

Mallika: is it then get up now 😂

Sumedh: ok stop ✋️ 😅

Sumedh woke up and mallika made him fresh and both came down and saw that everyone was already left for there work and both eat breakfast and sumedh started playing with mallika

Here in Basant side

Basant went to there normal place where they used to meet and riya was also came there and a agent was also present there

Basant: so you both came

Riya: Basant who's this man

Suddenly harsh came following Basant on his way and hided himself and saw them and was listening there talks

Mr.Attitude weds Ms.patienceWhere stories live. Discover now