part 27

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Sumedh, mallika went towards beach ⛱️ first and then later Basant and harsh went towards there

Sumedh: bunny come let's eat ice cream 🍦 😋

Mallika: haa come

Sumedh and mallika went towards ice cream vendor and took ice cream and started eating 😋

In Basant and harsh side

Basant came towards harsh and they started the conversation

Basant: tell me harsh what you want to ask me

Harsh: nothing Basant I just wanted to say you that I wanna know your boss

Basant: boss about my boss 🤨 but how do you know about my boss

Harsh: well I am also against sumedh I too wanna kill him so I wish to join hands with you so I am asking you to say about your boss so that I can talk to him and join hands with you guys

Basant: well why you want to kill sumedh

Harsh: he killed my parents

Basant: who's your parents harsh don't say lie

Harsh: why would I Basant I am saying true

Basant: well harsh sumedh killed your parents and its true but you are not with us but you are supporting sumedh and mallika and trying to fool me right

Harsh: hmm how did you got to know this 🤔

Basant: me and my boss are a true villain in this story Don't make me fool ok

Harsh: so you got to know everything about Me

Basant: not much but I am sure you are against me and my boss

Harsh: oh oh then I should reveal everything regarding me now

Basant: 😏

Suddenly mallika saw Basant and harsh talking to each other

Mallika: boo see there it's harsh right

Sumedh saw harsh

Sumedh: yes Bunny

Mallika: come let's go there

Sumedh: haa come

Both went towards them

Mallika: harsh Basant bhai what you both doing here

Harsh: I will tell you everything mallika your Basant bhai is not innocent

Mallika: what ??

Harsh: yes Mallika this Basant is trying to fool you people and yet to take all property and to kill sumedh

Mallika: what ?? 😟😲

Basant: don't trust him Mallika he is trying to fool you he's not trust worthy

Harsh: ohh so you think you are a gentleman haa

Sumedh was seeing both harsh and Basant fighting with each other he didn't understood any thing he was just seeing the situation

Mallika: will you both stop this nonsense

Harsh: no Mallika please understand your Basant bhai is criminal and not a well wisher of you and sumedh he tried so many times to harm sumedh and I used to save him every time

Basant: ohh so you are god who saves everyone from danger haa

Mallika: harsh Don't say anything lie against Basant bhai please 🙏

Harsh: so you won't trust me Mallika

Mallika: what's the proof that to say  Basant bhai is criminal

Basant: haa what's the proof

Harsh: I have a proof do you guys want to see

Harsh took his phone 📱 and showed the video of Basant and riya talking about killing sumedh which he shooted last day

Mallika: 🫨😔

Harsh: now you understood

Mallika: Basant bhai what's this in video

Basant: ohh so you recorded everything then no need to act like innocent, yes Mallika I am trying to harm sumedh every time because he killed my young brother infront of me that's why I decided to harm him

Mallika: how can you say it so easily Basant bhai

Basant: I am not only saying easily but now will kill sumedh easily also

Saying this Basant pulled sumedh who was beside him by his hands and placed gun on his head

Mallika: sumedh

Harsh too took gun from his pocket and showed to Basant

Basant: don't act too much harsh otherwise I will kill sumedh

Harsh: no please let him go

Sumedh: leave me bhai ,bunny please help me

Mallika was coming forward to help sumedh but Basant

Basant: stay away mallika Don't come towards me I will definitely harm him

Saying this Basant started moving backwards with sumedh and suddenly throwed sumedh beside and ran away but sumedh fell down and his head falled on the stone ,his head started bleeding

Mallika: sumedh

Mallika came towards Sumedh and placed his head on her lap his head was bleeding badly 😢 meanwhile harsh ran behind Basant and shooted him on his head Basant died there itself and when harsh come back he saw Mallika crying holding sumedh on her lap

Harsh: don't worry Mallika let's call ambulance

Mallika: sumedh 😭😭

Harsh called ambulance 🚑 and they took sumedh to hospital 🏥

Harsh informed everything to Yash Monica and Parvathi

They too came to hospital 🏥

Monica ran and came and holded harsh collar

Monica: why you k!lled my husband ,you know how much I love him you just k!lled him and now standing like innocent

Harsh: your husband is a criminal

Monica: my brother Sumedh was also a criminal it was Sumedh's fault that he harmed my husband's brother but so Basant tried to harm him

Yash: are you trying to say Basant is right and he should harm sumedh

Monica: I didn't told like that dad but if my husband was alive now i would have changed his mind but now he's no more alive 😭😭

Parvathi: Monica think about sumedh also he too fighting with do or die situation we too don't know what his situation inside icu

Monica: he will be alright mami but what about my love who died 💔 just a few minutes ago

Parvathi: I understand moni please calm down

Mallika was just sitting on bench and thinking about Sumedh's life

Percap: will sumedh become normal or not ??😰

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