part 30

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After ritual sumedh came back home and went directly to there room and got fresh je came out shirt less and was searching for his shirt suddenly mallika hugged him from back

Mallika: where were you gone I was missing you so much

Sumedh: I was just out for 1hr you missed me this fast

Mallika: yes why because when you was behaving like kid you was always behind me holding my saree wherever I go you was coming behind me

Sumedh: I remember 😊

Mallika broke the hug and turned sumedh towards her

Mallika: you look upset what happened and where's harsh

Sumedh pov

No I should not tell her that harsh is no more

Sumedh: harsh ,harsh went to his home

Mallika: but why and that too suddenly

Sumedh: yeah now everything is alright know and he told he had go abroad for work so he went urgently and he gave me something to give you

Mallika: what ??

Sumedh gave a hand chain to mallika

Mallika: wow it's beautiful

Sumedh: yes he told to give you this and he told you too like it

Mallika: yes

Sumedh: are you happy now

Mallika: hmm

Mallika was seeing the hand chain

Sumedh pov

Sorry 😞 Mallika I can't tell you he's no more but the day I find the real culprit I will definitely tell everything to you

Mallika: sumedh jii hmm..

Sumedh: what??

Mallika made Sumedh sit on bed by holding his hand

Mallika: ( blushing ) actually mami was asking about our kid 😶‍🌫️😁

Sumedh: ohh mami told or you only saying this 🤔

Mallika: no no really mami asked me she told that every thing is alright know so I want your kid to play with me

Sumedh: ok 👍

Mallika: means 😳

Sumedh: means what

Mallika: are you ready to have our kid

Sumedh: yeah 😶 what's there in it

Mallika: no nothing

Slowly Sumedh came towards mallika you look beautiful in saree

Mallika: ( blushing )

Sumedh: what's there to blush I am serious

Mallika was yet to go blushing but sumedh holded her hand and pulled her towards him

Sumedh: you don't want kids you are running like a rabbit bunny

Mallika: no no not like that I was afraid that's it

Sumedh: don't worry I am your husband and you are mine

Sumedh kissed her cheeks and lips and they spent there night well making love with each other 🥰

Next morning 🌄

Mallika woke up and saw herself and sumedh she blushed and kissed sumedh cheeks and went to get fresh and left for kitchen

Sumedh too woke up and saw there was no one in room

Sumedh: this bunny 🐰 naa Don't know how much she will blush whole night ☺️ but I love that 💖

Sumedh too got fresh and went towards kitchen and saw Mallika cooking 🍳 Sumedh went towards her and hugged her

Mallika: sumedh jii leave if someone comes means

Sumedh: they will go after seeing us finding not to disturb us

Mallika: oh no not like that what if they think something

Sumedh: something what ?? 🤔

Suddenly Parvathi came there and saw them like that

Parvathi: ( coughing )

Sumellika broke the hug

Parvathi: muna what's your duty here go sit on table breakfast will be given there itself not here go

Sumedh looked towards mallika and went rubbing his hairs

After sometime

In a room

There was a sound of someone crying a lady was crying in a corner

And another lady entered the room

Another lady : heyyy don't cry you have to be happy because now I should cry do you know why because every thing is going reverse against me your family is enjoying now and I have lost everything

Lady: Parvathi please leave me 🙏

Yes it was Parvathi some of your gusse are right readers

Parvathi: why should I, you took everything from me now your husband is trying to take everything from me and he's trying to make his son owner of everything and he is going to be the owner of every property do you know what now I have lost my husband too and even Basant but you, you are still alive and your son is enjoying his life with his wife

Lady: what my son got married

Parvathi: yes he got married because of that girl I sacrificed this much if she didn't came to your sons life means every thing was perfect in my hands but now she destroyed my family Arpit and my son Basant 💔 everything 😭

Lady: Basant died

Parvathi: yes my son Basant dead and you know now you're daughter has become widow because Basant had married her bur that harsh destroyed every thing he killed my son Basant 💔 so I killed harsh

Lady: who's harsh

Parvathi: harsh ,harsh was safeguarding Sumedh so I killed him so now my line is clear no one will come against me and no one will stop me from hurting your son and his wife I will destroy every one in your family

Parvathi smiled evily 😈 🦹‍♀️

Percap: good news

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