part 3

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Everything went well Monica went to Basant house

Next morning 🌄

Sumedh got up and get ready and came down

Sumedh: mami I am going out so no need of breakfast

Parvathi: where muna today you know na malikarjun jii is coming home to see your kundali

Sumedh: haa mami please don't force me to stay I am going to party I wanna drink wisky badly please

Parvathi: ok as you wish but come fast ok

Sumedh: yeah see you bye

Sumedh went to party as soon as he went riyas parents came with riya to mudgalkar mansion

Parvathi: arrey riya you guys come in

Riya dad: we heard that today the great pundit malikarjun jii is coming home to see sumedh kundali

Parvathi: yes

Riya mom: so we thought let's show our daughters kundali also with him so that we can plan for there marriage right

Parvathi: yeah of course let's wait for few minutes malikarjun jii will come

Riya: yeah I am very excited to hear about sumedh future

Parvathi: me too

Every one came to hall and malikarjun came to mansion along with mallika

Yash: come inside

Malikarjun: thank you

Malikarjun sat on sofa 🛋 and mallika stand beside him Everyone took there seat

Malikarjun: give me your sons kundali

Parvathi gave sumedh kundali to Malikarjun

Malikarjun saw it and was shocked to see the things in front of his eyes about sumedh future

Yash: what happened jii

Malikarjun: your son Sumedh will live only for few years

Yash: what

Malikarjun: yes your sons kundali I telling that you're son Sumedh will die in the age of 25

Parvathi: what my son is now 24 and he turns 25 on next week

Malikarjun: then your son have only few days to live as per his kundali he will die in few months only

Parvathi: nooooo this can't happen my sumedh nooooo please don't say like that 😔 😢

Yash: yes jii what we don't have any solution for this

Malikarjun: no

Riya dad: then I was planning to give my daughter to sumedh now what next

Malikarjun: no please if you do like that means your daughter will become widow in just few days

Yash: don't say like that your words never become false everything you said is happened please give some solution I beg you

Seeing all this Mallika felt bad

Malikarjun: I am sorry I can't do anything ots destiny 😔 and I said what will happen in future that's it

Saying this mallika and Malikarjun went from there

Even riya parents too

Parvathi: my muna it can't happen bhaiya

Yash: yes but what to do now

On the way

Mallika: papa really Sumedh jii will die in few months

Malikarjun: yes

Mallika: but why

Malikarjun: because some destiny is decided by persons action and when it's come to sumedh he a very bad person mikku that's why he's future is like this

Mallika: but papa we can change him na

Malikarjun: don't talk too much about this let it be

Mallika: ok

They reached there home 🏡

Here sumedh side

Sumedh came home back and saw Parvathi and Yash sitting like a statue

Sumedh: what happened to you guys

Both were silent

Sumedh went near Parvathi and putted his hand on her shoulder

Sumedh: mami

Parvathi: haa muna you came you got hurt any where get up I will see it

Saying it she started to search his body every where

Sumedh: mami what happened

Parvathi: muna Malikarjun jii said he said

Sumedh: what he said

Parvathi in tears: he said you will die in few months and if riya marry you then she will become widow

Sumedh: what ,what nonsense 🙄 😑

Yash: yes Sumedh hearing it our heart breaks 💔

Parvathi: muna you, you be safe

Saying this she fainted

Sumedh: mami mami get up

Sumedh pov

Ohh no I will not leave this Malikarjun and his daughter both are become devils inmy life and now they both are reason for Mt mamis tears they said nonsense about my future I will not spare them I will kill them

Sumedh thought something and took Parvathi inside room and made her sleep

In riyas side

Riya : dad why you guys came suddenly

Riya dad: didn't you heard sumedh will die in few days

Riya: so what

Riya mom: you will become widow if you marry him

Riya: then let me na

Riya dad: what

Riya: yes dad who said I love him ,I just loved his money dad not him think twice if sumedh dies after our marriage means every property will become mine and who else have the right on it that Monica is no more a mudgalkar family so every thing will be mine dad every thing will be ours 😏😈

Riya dad: yes I didn't thought of it what a idea riya then let me think about it

Riya: yes

Percap: mallika marriage is fixed 😌

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