part 36

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6 months passed like this

Sumellika baby boy 👶 was just like mallika

In night 🌙

Sumellika room

Mallika was feeding milk to baby Sumedh came there

Sumedh: bunny why you are always with baby spend some time with me also

Mallika: oh oh Sumedh jii he's still small baby only 6 months old I should take care of him more than you

Sumedh: 😑😑

Mallika kept baby aside as it was sleeping 😴

Sumedh hugged Mallika in sitting position itself and placed his head on her chest

Sumedh: I don't know anything I just want to spend time with you that's it 😙

Mallika hugged him back and started to  caressed his hair

Mallika: sumedh jii you are behaving like baby only

Sumedh: why I am also your baby know, you was saying before that sumedh jii you are my first child and I am your second mother bluhh bluhh bluhh

Mallika: ohh Sumedh jii you are my kid only but now our baby boy 👶 is more sensitive and important to me

Sumedh got up

Sumedh: ok don't talk to me 🤐

Mallika: sumedh jii oh oh you bi naa just behaves like kid

Sumedh was passing through a room where his mother was kept suddenly he heard a noise of someone crying

Sumedh was yet to go there but Parvathi stopped him

Parvathi: where are you going muna

Sumedh: mami there's some one I think 🤔

Parvathi: come this side I will tell you everything

Parvathi took sumedh to her room

Parvathi: sit

Both sat

Parvathi: do you remember you asked me about your mom's death

Sumedh: haa

Parvathi: let me tell you now

Sumedh: ok

Parvathi: when you born every thing was alright but when we came here to meet you a new born baby and to wish your parents I felt something wrong in your moms means lakshmis health

Sumedh: but what was that

Parvathi: when I was observing her she was talking to herself and there was no one even in your first year birthday celebration she was same talking herself first we ignored but after days were passing she started go somewhere and was coming to home by evening and when Yash bhaiya asked her she used to say nothing but in night again she started to talking to herself we got scared and admitted her to hospital but there too she started screaming, crying and doctors said to take back her home because of her behavior at last we took her to our mansion but one day morning itself she jumped from building

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