part 9

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Sumedh, Rohit and Siddharth left the place and went to there respective places Sumedh carried that diamond with him

Sumedh side

While returning to mansion ( he was returning by car 🚗 )

Sumedh pov

I will sale this diamond 💎 for billions of dollars 💸 and became a billionaire in the world 🌎 and slowly slowly I will by this entire world 😈😏

Suddenly a man came in between and sumedh stopped the car suddenly and came out of the car but there was no one in the room but suddenly it started raining and it was a dangerous rain with lightning in clouds Sumedh was standing silently thinking where that man gone this fast

Sumedh: where he went ,he was just yet to die by dashing with my car but where he went ,..hmm anyway let's go it's raining 🌧

Sumedh got into the car 🚗 and started the car but it was not starting Sumedh was trying again and again but the car was not starting

Sumedh: shit this car....😕what to do know outside its raining shall I call mama 🤔 hmm let's try

Sumedh took his phone 📱 but there was no network

Sumedh: ohhh shit this phone also doesn't have network 😑 this Rohit naa which place he has searched anyway if got this diamond let's walk and go and afterwards I will book taxi 🚕

Sumedh came out of car and started to walk in rain 🌧

Sumedh: always this happens to me I should have came with some one I should tell mama to exchange the car this car is unlucky for me the day I bought it I made accident I married that bunny and now I am walking 🚶‍♂️ in rain shit

Sumedh was talking to himself and walking but someone was behind him that man was also following Sumedh and was hearing his words and after sometime sumedh reached home 🏡

Mallika was waiting for him and he came ,mallika opened the door 🚪 and for her good luck Sumedh didn't drunk today because you guys know where he went and sumedh came inside, mallika saw that he was fully wet because he came walking in rain

Mallika: sumedh jii what is this 🥺

Sumedh: what??🤨

Mallika: you are wet

Sumedh: yeah I came by walking in rain so I am wet

Mallika: how cooly you are saying that you came by walking in rain and see how much wet you are ,you came first change your clothes come

Saying this she holded his hand and bought her to sumellika room

Mallika made hum sit and took and came Towal and rubbed Sumedh head

Sumedh: no need of this leave me

Mallika: 🤫🤫

Mallika continues to rub his head afterwards she made him stand and removed his shirt 👕

Sumedh: heyyyy what are doing leave me I will only do this you don't want to do this things to me

Mallika: but jii

Sumedh: no buts you go I will only fresh up and will come down

Mallika: ok but come fast don't be in this wet clothes only ,what if you catch cold I can't see you suffering 😢

Sumedh: ha ha I know you go now

Mallika went from there sumedh changed his clothes and came down every one eat lunch and went to there respective rooms

Sumedh pov

I should keep this diamond safe in room otherwise this bunny 🐰 will see it

Suddenly mallika came and sumedh hidded that diamond 💎 in his wardrobe and mallika saw that

Mallika: jii what's that

Sumedh: nothing you just sleep 😴 I am getting asleep so you sleep on floor

Mallika: ok jii I will sleep on floor but you sleep in bed otherwise you will catch cold as you came walking in rain

Sumedh: haa I know you sleep know

Mallika slept on floor and sumedh on bed

Next morning 🌄

Riya came to mudgalkar mansion

Riya: sumedh come down

Everyone came to hall hearing her voice

Riya: sumedh come let's go to our home

Sumedh: why??

Riya; dad has some collection of clothes for our marriage so select them come

Sumedh: riya I want to tell you something

Riya: what??

Sumedh: a day before yesterday I married Mallika and now she's my wife so please forget me

Riya: what??😱🥺

Sumedh: yes riya don't remember me I am no more yours now I have married other girl now I am hers so please forgive me and look after your life because you have bright future

Riya: sumedh how can you say this much casually that to infront of everyone

Sumedh: every one knows about this riya bit you are late

Riya: no sumedh this can't happen you are mine and only mine remember this I can't give you to someone this easily and about you ,you betrayed me I will definitely take revenge for this remember I will definitely one day take my revenge 😭😡

Saying this she left the mansion

Sumedh was feeling bad for her He took left the mansion and Parvathi took mallika to kitchen and every one again got busy in there work

Percap: who was that man??🤔🤔

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