part 24

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Three of them came back home and slept 😴

Next morning 🌄

Mallika came to room to make sumedh get up

Mallika: boo get up and come let's drink tea today

Sumedh: hmm

Sumedh woke up lazily and saw Mallika sitting on bed with heavy face she was not looking well

Sumedh went and sat beside her and touched her head it was hot

Sumedh: bunny you have fever 🤒

Mallika: haa it's ok

Sumedh: no bunny it's not ok 😢

Mallika: boo it's just one day fever leave it nothing will happen

Sumedh: no no but this fever come because we got wet in rain yesterday oh god I am sorry bunny 😐

Mallika: but why boo you didn't did anything

Sumedh: no bunny I forced you to come and dance with me in rain so you got fever today

Mallika: it's not like that boo I am ok and you no need to ask sorry because I enjoyed dancing with you yesterday 😊

Sumedh: but let's go to hospital 🏥

Mallika: no need of it bacha

Sumedh: why that day when I was having fever you took care of me so well but now you are saying to leave the matter it can't be possible bunny

Mallika: ha..Wait what you remember everything

Sumedh: what everything

Mallika: means you remember that day I took care of you while you had fever that night

Sumedh: yeah I only remember this nothing much when ever I try to remember anything I head will start paining so I stopped to remember the things which I did before

Mallika: oh its ok

Sumedh: it's not ok come let's go to hospital

Mallika: ok but no need to go to hospital we have doctor in home itself we can make him check me out there

Sumedh: yeah ok 😒

Sumellika went to harsh room

Sumedh: see Mr my bunny is having fever please check her

Harsh: is it

Mallika: yeah because we played in rain yesterday know that's why

Harsh: ok sit I will check what happened

Harsh checked Mallika temperature 🌡

Harsh: mallika you have too much fever it's not good I think I should give you a injection so that you can recover speedy

Mallika: yeah give it because I should recover fast otherwise sumedh will not listen to me and he starts doing something wrong which harm him

Harsh: ok

Harsh took injection 💉 from his doctor kit and sumedh saw it and got scared 😱

Sumedh: heiii stop why are you taking this

Harsh: to inject her

Sumedh: noo it will be painful and I don't want to see my bunny in pain 😢

Harsh: it will pain only while giving it that's it

Sumedh: no means no

Mallika: boo don't worry it will not pain you no need to worry

Sumedh: but..

Mallika: you just close your eyes

Sumedh: ok but Mr Harsh be careful 🧐

Harsh: ok ok 👍

Sumedh closed his eyes tightly Harsh gave Mallika injection 💉

Sumedh opened his eyes

Mallika: see I am alright now

Sumedh: ok but come take some rest

Sumedh took mallika to room and made her sleep 😴 💤

Here in Basant and riya side

Basant: so I came to say my plan

Riya: and what's it ??

Basant: listen me carefully first you have to come to mansion daily and I will help you to enter mansion daily and then you should make friendships with sumedh and even with mallika but with sumedh you have to get closer and slowly you should destroy mallika from sumedh mind and you should enter in his mind you should tell Sumedh that you are his real love and not that mallika so that sumedh will throw mallika out as soon as she get out from mansion we can easily kill sumedh and can reach our goal because to do something to sumedh that mallika will come in between me and sumedh so I can't do anything but you can separate them and make my way easier ok

Riya: hmm let me try 🤔

Basant: yeah visit mansion from today itself and get close to sumedh fast

Riya: ok you go now I will start my plan

Basant left from there

In afternoon

Sumedh was playing with toys 🧸 🔫 suddenly riya came and hugged him from back

Sumedh separated from her and saw her

Riya: hii sumi cutie 💓 😚

She kissed his cheeks

Sumedh rubbed his cheeks harshly and he didn't liked it

Sumedh: who are you girl ?? 🤨😐

Riya: you don't remember me

Sumedh: no

Riya: I am your girlfriend sumi

Sumedh: girlfriend means

Riya: means your care taker and well wisher and even more

Sumedh: I have my care taker like my bunny 🐰 and my well wisher as Harsh no need of you go from here 😏😒

Riya pov

Ohh God why is he talking this much rudely with me well it's ok let's do my work

Sumedh: I said to go didn't you understand

Riya: but I came here to give you something

Sumedh: what ??

Riya: see this teddy 🧸 its for you sumi

Sumedh: really

Sumedh took it

Sumedh: it's really good

Riya pov

Now he is coming to my way 😈

Percap: riya to face mallika scolding

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