part 35

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Sumellika room

Both were sleeping peacefully but suddenly mallika started to scream

Mallika: sumedh jii ahh

Sumedh: what happened Mallika

Mallika: sumedh jii my stomach is paining 😫😣

Sumedh: ohh I think you got labor pain I will call mami wait

Sumedh went towards Parvathi

Sumedh: mami mallika is having pain in her stomach please do something

Parvathi: don't worry muna I will see it you go and get ambulance

Sumedh went to get ambulance 🚑 it was midnight

And ambulance came to mansion Sumedh picked mallika and made her sleep in ambulance and soon they were in hospital 🏥

Sumedh: bunny don't worry I will be there inside the ward

Mallika: jii please don't leave me alone there please 🙏 😢

Sumedh: don't worry I am there with you doctor please do something

Doctor: sumedh you please be outside she will get infection if you come inside

Sumedh: ok

Doctor took mallika inside and sumedh went towards God's idol in hospital

Sumedh: god please keep my life save my mallika and my baby should be save and come again to me please

After some time

Sumedh was walking 🚶‍♂️ here and there he was very tensed

Divya: bhaiya don't worry nothing will happen

Sumedh: but mikku I think she can't control the pain, I think she's crying badly I can feel it Divya

Divya: bhaiya this is every woman's wish to become mother and she love it too so please don't get this much tensed

Parvathi: haa muna

Yash: sumedh when you was born I too had a same tension don't worry everything will be alright

Sumedh: yes dad

Suddenly mallika screamed loudly and even a baby crying sound hitted sumedh

Doctor came out

Sumedh: doctor my mikku and baby

Doctor: don't worry both are alright and congratulations you had a..

Sumedh: baby girl right ✅️ 😍 I know that

Doctor: no no you had a baby boy

Sumedh: boy 🤨😧

Doctor: yeah why ??

Sumedh: but I wanted baby girl 😐 but it's ok anyway he's my child and I love him 💓 🥰

Doctor: yeah

Sumedh: can I meet my small family

Doctor: yes you can

Sumedh went inside and saw Mallika having a baby boy beside her 💙

Mallika: sumedh jii see my baby

Sumedh: even my baby too

Mallika: haa but are you happy

Sumedh sat beside her and baby 👶

Sumedh: yes why??

Mallika: because you wanted girl baby but we got boy

Sumedh: no problem I will try my best next time to have a baby girl

Mallika: hmm..what 🤨🤨

Sumedh: yeah 😅🤭🫣🤭

Mallika: you ,you will not change

Sumedh took that baby on his hand and touched its feet

Sumedh: wow so beautiful like me

Mallika: is it 🤨

Sumedh: no no not at its beautiful like you

Mallika: haa ☺️🥰

Sumedh hugged Mallika 🤗 🫂

Sumedh: thank you for coming in my life

Mallika: you too

Baby was hearing there conversation and smiled and kicked Sumedh

Sumedh: mallika you saw he is kicking me

Mallika: I think he is saying to be away from Me 😆

Sumedh: why should I baby, I am the one who is reason for your birth

Mallika pinched Sumedh

Mallika: what rubbish are you talking in hospital shame on you

Sumedh: haa but it's true na baby 👶

Baby smiled 😃

Sumellika too smiled

Sumedh: ok you both take rest now I will be there paying hospital bill

Mallika: ok

Sumedh made mallika sleep properly and kissed her face and made baby also sleep and kissed him too 🥰

Percap: after 6 months

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