part 34

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Next morning 🌄

Parvathi went towards a dark room

Parvathi: heyy get up and eat your breakfast

Lady: I am not hungry

Parvathi: don't make me angry 😤 just get up and eat

Lady: no until I get to know everyone Is save from you I don't want to eat anything

Parvathi: arey my plan got downwards and everything is alright you can eat take it

Lady: but how ?? You were so interested in finishing everything

Parvathi: I was yet to but a girl came in between and everything went flop

Lady pov

Thanks to that girl

Lady: but who's that girl??

Parvathi: I don't know but I will definitely find that

Parvathi pov

She's right who's this girl and sumedh didn't said anything to me regarding this girl Matter but I will find it Sumedh I too have people who work for me

Parvathi gave food to that lady and was coming out of room in the mansion

Yes Parvathi kept that lady inside the mansion itself

While Parvathi coming out Divya saw her and went towards her

Divya: Aunty what's there in that room

Parvathi: why you want it its just a room

Divya: but why were you coming out like a thief 🤔

Parvathi: shut up and just do your work don't interfere in my matter

Saying this she went from there

Divya: strange 🤔 why she is behaving like this lets ask sumedh bhaiya knowing what's there in that room

Sumedh was passing by and Divya called him

Divya: bhaiya

Sumedh: haa Divya what are you doing here ,you had breakfast

Divya: yes bhaiya it's over but what's there in that room

Sumedh: ohh yeah I too Don't know about it but mami tells not to enter in this room because 30 years ago I was ,hmm I was not yet born but dad had purchased this mansion from a person and every thing was alright but after that when my mom died something unusual started in this mansion that's why mami had closed mom's room

Divya: you mean that room is your mom's

Sumedh: yes and you too don't open the doors of that room ok

Divya: yeah alright 👍

Sumedh went from there

Divya: why I am finding mami suspicious 🤔 😐 hmm let's see

She too left

In Parvathi side

Parvathi: ohh this Divya saw I am coming from lakshmi room and now I think she will say this too Sumedh but noo it should not happen

Suddenly sumedh entered Parvathi room

Sumedh: mami

Parvathi: ha ha muna 😅 what you want

Sumedh: nothing but I wanna know how my mom died because every one was saying that she had a mental illness and she jumped from building so I wanna know exactly what happened 😔

Parvathi pov

No no sumedh your mom didn't died by herself it was me who throwed her from top of the building but hers good luck she survived in hospital and I am keeping her with me in this mansion itself

Parvathi: muna please 🙏 don't ask me about this I will get hurt and you first take care of mallika because she is having our next generation in her womb please it's not a good situation to discuss this things I hope you understand

Sumedh: yes mami you don't worry

Sumedh left

In night 🌙

Sumedh came from Washroom and throwed the towel on bed and mallika saw this

Mallika: sumedh jii ( small angry 😠 )

Sumedh: haa what?? What happened why are you screaming

Mallika: is this a manors just take that towel

Sumedh: oh oh why are you behaving like Maha kali it's just a towel

Mallika: I know it's just a towel but it is wet and it makes bed also wet and when I sleep I will catch cold 🥶

Sumedh: 🤨🤨 are you serious?? Who get cold with this small towels wet haa 😒

Mallika: I don't know but I want my baby to be healthy

Sumedh: ok Maha kali

Sumedh took that towel and kept aside andsat on bed Mallika putted her head on Sumedh shoulder

Mallika: sumedh jii

Sumedh: haa

Mallika: I want to eat ice cream 🍦

Sumedh gave a sarcastic look 🙄🤨

Sumedh: just now you said you catch cold just because of a small towel but now you wanna eat ice cream

Mallika: hmm please 😚😚

Sumedh: ok don't act too much

Sumedh took mallika out they came to ice cream parlor

Mallika: sumedh jii do you remember last time we came here and you was dancing 🕺 in rain 🌧 and sung a song for me how beautiful it was

Sumedh remembered everything

Sumedh: yes and with us harsh was also there standing here clapping his hands seeing us

Sumedh had a tears in eyes remembering harsh

Mallika: hmm

Sumedh rubbed his eyes

Sumedh: come know lets eat

Suddenly mallika screamed

Mallika: ahh

Sumedh: what happened

Mallika: baby kicked Sumedh jii

Sumedh: really

Sumedh placed his head on Mallika stomach

Suddenly baby kicked again

Sumedh: oh oh my baby girl is kicking me also I am very excited to have her in my hands

Mallika: me too

Mallika caressed Sumedh hairs

Percap: let's meet new baby 👶 💕

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