part 28

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Mallika was very tensed about sumedh and was sitting on bench

Suddenly doctors came out of icu

Mallika: Dr how's my husband

Doctor: well he's fine you can see him after 1 hr

Mallika: ( happily 😊 ) thank you Dr

Doctor: welcome

Doctors left from there

Parvathi: by God's grace our sumedh is alright

Yash: yes now I am worried about Monica

Mallika: papa you no need to worry I will talk to her

Saying this mallika went towards Monica

Mallika: moni

Monica: Don't talk with me just go from here

Mallika: I can understand but what Basant bhai did was also wrong

Monica: and what about your husband

Mallika: he's your younger brother please don't just call him as my Husband it hurts

Monica: ohh then what about me because of your husband my husband died naa

Harsh came in between

Harsh: stop this Monica don't drag sumedh here because he didn't know about this things now too we don't know whats his condition in icu but you just thinking about Basant how can you be a good sister and don't blame sumedh for Basants death because I was the one who k!lled him not sumedh

Monica: but sumedh was the reason right for Basant death

Yash: now what you will do

Monica: nothing I can do nothing because all are supporting sumedh only and not me ( started crying )

Mallika: its not like that moni

Monica: you all just got from here leave me alone 😔 go

Every one left from there

After sometime

Mallika enter sumedh ward and saw him sleeping peacefully

She went and sat beside him and caressed his hair Sumedh woke up and opened his eyes slowly

Sumedh: heyyy bunny

Mallika: boo

Sumedh: who's boo 🧐

Mallika: what happened bacha

Sumedh: now who's bacha 🧐😒 I am sumedh, sumedh mudgalkar ( in normal and strict voice )

Hearing this mallika got shocked 😲

Mallika: sumedh jii

Sumedh: haa tell me

Mallika: sumedh jii you became normal as before

Sumedh: but what happened to me bunny I don't understand anything

Mallika: let me tell you everything from beginning to till now

Mallika explains everything to sumedh till last day and Basant death included too

Sumedh heard everything and was having tears in his eyes

Mallika: sumedh jii why are you crying

Sumedh: nothing I remembered my mama how he used to make me happy but after hearing this I can't trust this things about him

Harsh and every one came there

Harsh: you should sumedh because he was involved in this process he just wanted your money and even about Basant too

Sumedh: but I thought they both were my well wisher 😔 but now my imagination was wrong

Harsh: not only this too but riya was also involved in this process

Sumedh: riyaa 😲😳

Harsh: yes riya ,she was also one in this and they both were talking about there boss but who's there boss I didn't get to know, this riya has escaped now we should search her but I think she too doesn't know about Basant boss I think 🤔

Yash: let it be bow we should forget everything and let's start a new journey

Mallika: yes

Harsh: ok I have some work I should leave

Harsh left

After some days

Sumedh was recovered little bit and came home every one was happy but sumedh was upset about everything

In sumellika room

Mallika came from outside sumedh was sitting on bed and was thinking something

Mallika: what happened why are you looking upset

Sumedh: where's Monica dii she didn't came to see me at once also

Mallika too sat on bed

Mallika: she's angry about Basant bhai death she is believing that every thing is done because of you

Sumedh thought of something

Sumedh: now where's she ??

Mallika: in her room why ??

Sumedh went to Monica room and mallika followed him Monica's room was open sumedh went inside Monica was sitting aside and was sobbing 😭 😢

Sumedh went towards there Mallika stood on door itself

Sumedh: didi

Monica: 😑

Sumedh: didi see me I am sorry 😞 it's all because me only I can understand I am the reason for everything if I didn't hurt Basant jijas brother means he would have never married you too harm me I am really very sorry didi please forget everything I beg you please 🙏

Saying this Sumedh touched Monica feet to make her forgive him seeing this mallika had tears in her eyes Sumedh too had tears in his eyes every one came there to see the situation of Monica

Suddenly Monica hugged sumedh

Monica: no sumedh you are not a culprit it's all happened because of Basant only he had wrong intentions about my marriage and divorcing me after getting the property

Mallika: what are you talking about moni

Monica broke the hug

Monica: yes Mallika Basant had planned to divorce me after getting every property on his name see this I found this today morning in his office files

Monica showed divorce papers to sumedh

Monica: Don't worry Sumedh I am sorry 😐 😞

Sumedh: it's ok now you take rest

Sumedh took that papers 📃 with him and every one left from there

Percap: harsh told to sumedh that he's a snake 🐍

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