part 5

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In night 🌙

Sumedh side

Sumedh and Arpit were drinking together in terrace

Sumedh: mama you know that that girl

Arpit: who muna

Sumedh: that girl mama she came to Monica marriage and to our house with her father

Arpit: haa yes tell me what she did

Sumedh: that bunny 🐰 is coming in my dream daily mama

Arpit: sumedh you are drunk 🥴 and you also drink everyday that's why when you remember her she will come to your dream

Sumedh: no mama I am not thinking about her but if she comes infront of me then I will kill her definitely

Arpit: sumedh why are behind her

Sumedh: mama I was not behind her bit she ruined my life by saying papa not to transfer property in my name and by mami cried that day because of her and her father I will not live them I will kill them

Arpit: muna come down if you want to take revenge then don't kill her rather then that you do something else to her ok

Sumedh: hmm ok mama

Sumedh went to his room and slept 😴

After somedays

A  morning 🌄

Yash: sumedh, sumedh come fast

Sumedh: yes papa tell me

Yash: sumi today I have so many work so please you go office today

Sumedh: but papa 😫😩

Yash: sumedh you go na please

Sumedh: ok

Yash left from there

Arpit came down

Arpit: what happened

Sumedh: I wanna go to office today 😩

Arpit: then go know

Sumedh: haa I am going but where's mami

Arpit: haa she got fever so she's sleeping

Sumedh: what then why didn't you tell me

Arpit: she said not to tell

Sumedh went to Parvathi room by running 🏃‍♂️

Sumedh: mami

Parvathi: muna why you came here

Sumedh went towards her and sat beside her

Sumedh: mami why you got fever 🤒

Parvathi: nothing muna

Arpit: no sumedh she always have a fear of losing you after what as happened someday ago by that malikarjun

Sumedh: mami leave it nothing will happen to me and for this acts of malikarjun I will take revenge

Parvathi: no muna don't do that please

Sumedh didn't heard it and he left In sad face 😢 😔

In office 🏬

Sumedh entered the office every one greeted him Sumedh went to cabin

Suddenly someone came there

Pavan: excuse me sir

Sumedh: yes come in

Pavan: sir I want holiday

Sumedh saw him

Sumedh: who are you man I didn't saw you before here

Pavan: sir I joined the company someday before so you don't know me sir

Sumedh: ohh is it then why are you asking holiday this early that too you joined some day before

Pavan: yes sir I am asking sorry for that but tomorrow I am getting married so I want holiday

Sumedh: tomorrow is your marriage and you came office today

Pavan: work is worship sir that's why

Sumedh: you are a work holic I think but it's ok you can go now and your holiday is granted

Pavan: thank you sir but take this invitation of my marriage and please attend it tomorrow it's my humble request

Sumedh: hoo ok I will definitely

Pavan: thank you sir 🙏

Sumedh: yeah your welcome

Pavan left the cabin and sumedh took that invitation but before he opened it he got a call from riya

Sumedh: riya tell me

Riya: sumedh I wanna talk to you can you come to Cafe evening

Sumedh: ok dear bye

Sumedh cutted the call and left the cabin keeping invitation on table

In night 🌙

Pavan called mallika

Pavan: hello mallika

Mallika: haa tell me Pavan

Pavan: so tomorrow is our marriage

Mallika: so

Pavan: so can you give me a kiss

Mallika: Pavan not now but after our marriage because for me my husband will be everything even if he hates me or love me I will love him till my last breath and even after my last breath

Pavan: but I asked only one kiss

Mallika: no baba I said know you will get it after our marriage that is tomorrow ok

Pavan: what if I die tomorrow

Mallika: heyyy don't say like that why are you thinking this deep for one kiss

Pavan: then give me na

Mallika: ok ok wait

Mallika kissed her mobile and Pavan was happy he thought she kissed him

Mallika: now are you ok

Pavan: yeah yeah I am ok

Mallika: now cut the call and go sleep 😴

Pavan: ok good night

Mallika: good night

Both ended there conversation and slept 😴 💤

Here sumedh side

Sumedh: mami

Parvathi: yes muna

Sumedh: wake me up tomorrow early ok

Parvathi: but why

Sumedh: I have to attend a marriage function

Parvathi: you and your marriage function, why you want to attend it

Sumedh: because I want to eat marriage food 😋 so many days over I didn't eat any marriage food that's why I am going tomorrow for marriage 😅 🙃

Parvathi: ok muna I know about it you go sleep and I will wake you up early ok

Sumedh: ok good night

Parvathi: good night 🥰

Percap: sumedh killed pavan and married mallika 😱😌

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