part 15

108 7 4

Next day

Sumellika went to that old man's home and asked sorry to there family and gave some amount as compensation and even to that boys family also after that sumedh took mallika to the restaurant and they both ate there food and come whole day passed like this

Next morning 🌄

Mallika got up first but she was not feeling well, her heart was saying that something bad will happen but she was neglecting but that thought was roaming in her mind

Mallika: what's happening to me why I am feeling like something will happen bad

Thinking of it she cooked the food for sumedh and other people afterwards every one came to dinner table and started eating

Sumedh:hmm bunny this curry 🍛 is salt

Parvathi: yes pour some water to it and heat it

Mallika: ok mami

She did and everyone eat sumellika went to there room

Sumedh: bunny I have some work I will be back in evening

Mallika: sumedh jii can you do something for me

Sumedh: what ??

Mallika: Don't go Anywhere today please

Sumedh: but why??

Mallika: because I am feeling something bad will happen

Sumedh: this all are your imagination that's it don't worry I will be alright

Mallika: ok

Sumedh went out and mallika continued her work

Here in sumedh side

Sumedh was coming from Rohit house 🏠 but suddenly a big truck 🚚 came fast and hitted sumedh very hardly sumedh went and landed opposite side of Rohit house and his head was  slightly opened and started bleeding badly all over his body

Goon: hello boss work as done he's dead

Man: seriously

Goon: yes boss i myself confirmed it he's dead now no worries

Man: ok thank you your money 💰 will be there in your home

Goon: ok boss

Call ended

Arpit: what happened

Man: sumedh is dead now we are the owner of billions of dollars 💸 😈

Arpit: what's the proof for that

Riya: yes we want proof

Suddenly a photo came to that man's phone 📱

Man: yeah see this how this sumedhs condition definitely he's dead 💀 😂

Arpit: yeah

Riya took that phone and saw that sumedh blood was there all over the road she felt bad and gave that mobile back

Man: are you feeling guilty

Riya: no no why I feel guilty I am more happier then you, so this was your plan right

Man: yeah

Arpit: now let's do party 🥳 🎉

Riya: no first tell me who are you and why you are wearing mask

Man: so ok my friends it's time to reveal my face and Arpit knows me but not you so let me show you my real face

Man opened his mask from his face riya was shocked 😲 to see him 😳

Riya: Basant bhaiiiiiiiiiii

Yeah it's Basant

Arpit: well we was decided till sumedh death we will meet like this secretly so that no one should know us

Riya: but Basant you are the..but why are you behind sumedh

Basant: it's a long back story I had a brother classmate of sumedh but that sumedh killed my brother infront of my eyes so I thought to take revenge and made a love drama with Monica so that I can enter mudgalkar empire and finish sumedh and after that there will be no one to Yash to give his property and he will definitely transfer it to Monica and after getting a time I will kill her also and let us divide the property and enjoy everything 😀

Riya: so you are the master mind behind all this

Arpit: naa there is some one more powerful more devil 😈 minded person we are under that person not Basant is my boss we have another boss who orders us

Riya: but who

Basant: till now this much information is enough for you now let's from here

Everyone left from there

Here sumedh side

Some people took sumedh to hospital 🏥 and called Parvathi from his phone 📱

Person: hello

Parvathi: haa muna

Person: sorry I am not your muna but your son had accident on road so we bought him to xyz hospital can you come fast

Parvathi: ohh no my muna we are coming 😢 😭

Mallika heard this talks of Parvathi

Mallika: mami what happened why are you crying what happened to sumedh jii is he alright

Parvathi: no mikku sumedh got accident 😢 we should go immediately


Parvathi: come let's live

Mallika was standing expression less

Parvathi: mallika

She putted her hand on Mallikas shoulder but mallika fell down unconsciously

Parvathi: mallika 😥 get up

She patted her face and went to kitchen and bought some water and putted it on her face

Mallika woke up

Mallika: mami sumedh jii😭😭😭😭

Parvathi: nothing will happen to him let's leave fast

Both left for hospital 🏥

Percap: sumedh is dead 😰

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