part 26

69 9 1

In afternoon

Basant went towards riya and meet her in there secret place but behind him Harsh went too

Basant: why did you left to early today

Riya: didn't you saw how that mallika scolded me

Basant: ohh it all happens but you should not give hears for this and all

Riya: but it matters to me and my self respect will also matters

Basant: ohh so you don't need sumedh

Riya: no I need his money not him

Harsh was recording everything on his phone 📱 there talks was clearly heard in recording

Basant: yeah i understand I too behind his money only but think now Arpit is also not between our ways we can divide it into 3 parts

Riya: but why 3 we are just 2

Basant: no way we are not just 2 but we are 3 my boss is also there for share in sumedh money

Riya: but your boss is hiding and I didn't even meet her once also how can we trust her

Harsh pov

Oh oh so this Basant also has his boss but who's it and where's my nagmani how can I get it back

Basant: you no need to worry about it I borrowed back that diamond from agent because my boss ordered me, boss told we should wait for some time to sell it in market because my boss is finding something suspicious from a person

Riya: and who's that ??

Basant: harsh

Riya: harsh but how your boss knows about harsh 🤔

Basant: I am informing every thing to my boss time to time

Riya: ohh ok

Basant: hmm

Riya: but what next

Basant: I too Don't know because this mallika is not leaving sumedh for a minute also ,so I am finding difficult to k!ll sumedh

Riya: yeah I know it

Basant: I think we should wait for some time and let's ask my boss regarding this

Riya: ok bye

Basant: hmm

Riya left from there

Harsh pov

What should I do now if I show this video to everyone means I will miss the chance to reveal his boss face and there's a chance that I can even miss my diamond 💎 but what to do now 🤔, ok let's do this I won't reveal his face now to everyone but I will black mail him to say everything regarding his boss and even show him the video let me act as a villain and join hands with him so that he will trust me or he will get scared of video and will say me everything regarding his boss and nagmani yes now let's go back to mansion

Harsh left from there to mansion

In night 🌙

Sumedh: bunny show me the clothes you bought for me

Mallika: haa take this wear it and show me now

Sumedh: bunny it's to thick I can't wear it 😫

Mallika: oh boo you should because now it's rainy season and if you don't wear it means you will catch cold

Sumedh: how to catch cold but I think it will not stay in our hands if we catch it 🧐

Mallika: ohh means you will get cold and you will shiver from it leave now give me the jacket I will help you to wear it

Sumedh: ok take

Sumedh gave that jacket to mallika and she was helping him to wear it but that jacket stucked I sumedh hand and was not moving mallika some how made him wear but slipped on him both fall on bed Mallika was above sumedh eye contact took place between them

Sumedh: ( in normal in old Sumedh voice ) heyyy bunny get up you are too much weight I can't breathe

Mallika: sumedh jii you became normal as before

She got up

Sumedh: ( again in kid voice ) who's sumedh jii bunny 🐰

Mallika pov

Oh may be he's changing little by little and not fully

Mallika: nothing boo come lets sleep

Mallika made Sumedh sleep and she too slept 😴 💤

Next morning 🌄

Basant was passing by but harsh called him

Harsh: Basant can you come to that beach near xyz place because I want to talk to you

Basant: yeah why not I will come definitely

In sumellika room

Sumedh: bunny let's go out for beach today for travel

Mallika: noo

Sumedh: please I am getting bored in mansion

Mallika: hmm ok let's go in afternoon now fast come I will feed you the break fast

Sumedh: yeayyyy ok 👍

Mallika feeded sumedh he was happy 😊 😃 knowing that they will go to beach today for rounds

Parvathi: be careful muna be with mallika always there ok

Sumedh: haa mami I know

In afternoon

Sumellika left for beach even followed by Basant and harsh too and even riya left for beach after knowing Basant is coming there with harsh 😶

Percap: Basant placed gun 🔫 on Sumedh's head 😲😰

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