part 32

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Next morning 🌄

In sumellika room

Mallika was sleeping peacefully and sumedh got up and saw her she was looking like a kid who is sleeping beside a mother sumedh came close to her and kissed her cheeks

Sumedh: god please give me a baby girl who looks exactly like my pretty wife mallika I am so excited to see her ❤️ can't wait till 9 months

Sumedh woke up and got ready and came down

After sometime Mallika too woke up and came down by getting freshed up and saw Sumedh doing something in kitchen she went towards there

Mallika: what are you doing Sumedh jii ??

Sumedh: nothing I was just preparing a food for you

Mallika: food ,breakfast for me??

Sumedh: yes why ??

Mallika: but I am there to prepare but today it was late that's it but why are you taking risks to prepare food 😕 🤔

Sumedh holded her shoulder 😍 and came close to her

Sumedh: because your My first priority and cooking 🍳 for you makes me happy and I am cooking this because my baby girl should also teste it

Mallika: you are so loving husband ❤️ I am lucky to have you in my life

Sumedh: nothing like that I am lucky to have you in my life ❤️

Parvathi came there

Parvathi: if your romance is over then I can make some milk for mallika 🙃

Sumedh: yeah yeah mami come but you don't want to make breakfast it's already ready I prepared it 😊

Parvathi: oh oh muna you became chefs 👨‍🍳 because of mallika, but you didn't prepared food for me till now but now Mallika became everything for you

Sumedh: ( blushing ) ☺️☺️

Parvathi: ok you go out I have to make tea for you and milk 🥛 for mallika

Sumellika: ok mami

Both left the kitchen

Mallika sat on dinning table and sumedh went out because he got a call from an unknown person

Sumedh: hello who's this??

Divya: bhaiya I am divya sister of harsh

Sumedh got shocked

Sumedh: divya, harsh sister 😢

Divya: haa bhaiya I got to know that harsh bhaiya died and I have no one now as a family

Sumedh: where are you now ??

Divya: I am in xyz place bhaiya

Sumedh: come to my mansion i have to talk to you

Divya: ok bhaiya

Call cutted

In Parvathi side

Parvathi mixed a snake poison in milk 🥛 and bought it to mallika

Parvathi: mallika drink this it will be healthy

Mallika: thanks 😊 mami

Parvathi putted the glass on table

Sumedh came there

Sumedh: mami I am soo hungry give me something to drink

Parvathi: wait muna I will make tea for you

Sumedh: I can't I am so much hungry 😫 I want something

Sumedh search here and there and found mallika going to take milk 🥛 from table but suddenly sumedh grabbed it

Mallika: sumedh jii It was mine

Sumedh: you drink another one I am drinking this

Parvathi: no muna wait

Sumedh drinked it fully and got relaxed 😌

Sumedh: my hungry went now

Sumedh started going out but suddenly he fall down on floor mallika saw this and came running

Mallika: sumedh jii

She went towards him and picked him on her laps and started patting on his cheeks

Parvathi pov

Ohh no this Sumedh reversed my plan but it's ok what will I lose if he dies

Mallika started crying

Mallika: sumedh jii woke up please what happened to you 😢

Suddenly divya came there and saw this

Divya: what happened to bhaiya, why he's unconscious

Mallika: Don't know why he suddenly fall on floor

Divya: come let's shift him to room

Both shifted sumedh to room

Divya: bhabi you don't worry I am also a doctor I will check him you go out

Mallika: are you serious

Divya: yes you go out fast

Mallika went out Divya came towards Sumedh and saw his face was turning blue colour 😳

Divya pov

Oh my God I think some snake had bite him but which snake, it's ok I am also a snake I will cure him

Divya took the poison from sumedh body to her body

Divya: now he will be alright

Divya went out

Mallika: what happened to him is he alright

Divya : yes you don't worry

Mallika: but what happened to him

Divya: may be a snake bited him so he had poison on his body

Mallika: what 😲🥺

Divya: don't worry he's ok now

Mallika: but how come a snake bite him

Parvathi pov

Oh no this girl will find suspicious in me now I should to some thing now

Parvathi: may be the snake bited sumedh when he went out some time ago when the phone came may be a snake bited him there itself I think but God's grace he's ok now

Divya: yes after sometime we can see him when he gain consciousness again

Mallika: thank you for saving my life 🙏

Divya: it was my duty welcome 🙏

Percap: Divya will be in sumedh house from now on as his sister ☺️

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