part 8

113 6 7

Next morning 🌄

Mallika woke up first in the mansion and took blessing from sumedhs feet when he was sleeping and made pooja in house later Parvathi woke up and came down

Parvathi: arrey who did all this things pooja and breakfast

Mallika: I only did this mami

Parvathi: ohh you are great first day itself you prepared everything, you are really mudgalkars bahu my child

Mallika: thanks mami

Parvathi: now after sometime you go and wake up Sumedh ok

Mallika: ok mami

Parvathi left to her room and Yash came there

Yash: so you started doing your duties

Mallika: yes ☺️😊

Yash: well done 👏

Mallika: thank you

After sometime Mallika went to sumellika room to woke sumedh up

Mallika: sumedh jii get up it's 9 am already


Mallika: sumedh jii

Sumedh: 😑😴

Mallika: sumedh jii

Sumedh: what??😡😡

Mallika got scared

Mallika: your coffee ☕️

Sumedh took the coffee from her hand and throwed it on the floor

Sumedh: ( holding Mallika hairs ) you don't know what I will drink in morning

Mallika: so..sorry

Sumedh: don't shiver you rabbit

Mallika: 🥺

Sumedh: go and get my tea 🍵

Saying this he left her ,mallika went sobbing 😭

After sometime sumedh got ready and mallika came there to give tea 🍵

Mallika: jii tea 🍵

Sumedh saw that and again took it and throwed it on floor

Sumedh: heyyy you how much time you took to bring a single cup of tea haa it's too late now it's time to drink wisky not tea do you understand 😠

Mallika: 😦😦

Sumedh left from there and came down

Parvathi: what happened Sumedh you look tense

Sumedh: mami teach that bunny 🐰 how to be with me otherwise I will not spare her

He left and Parvathi saw Mallika crying on her room but Parvathi didn't want to disturb her so she went from there

Mallika: ( to herself ) why he behaves like this I just did my duties nothing else 😭 maybe he married me to punish me but it's ok I will change him for sure

Suddenly she remembered something and called her father

Mallika: hello papa

Malikarjun: yes mikku are you ok

Mallika: haa papa I am alright I called you because that day when I asked the solution for sumedh jiis kundali problem you said we will talk later but now I am his wife and I have to save my husband's life so please tell me ,is there any solution for his problem

Malikarjun: no mikku as I told earlier he is not a good person and from his birth to till now he has done so many negative things so I can't give assurance for his life

Mallika: please don't tell like that papa think about me also

Malikarjun: ok but there's only one way to solve this

Mallika: what's that

Malikarjun: if he stop doing this negative things from nowon means we can do some pooja's to save his life but he should stop being cruel to everyone

Mallika: ok papa I will make him good person but you look after the pooja things

Malikarjun: haa mikku but first make him a good person then tell me after that I will start pooja

Mallika: ok papa thank you

Malikarjun: bye mikku

Mallika: bye

Both cutted the call

Mallika pov

I will change you Sumedh jii I will definitely change you and one day you will accept me as your wife and love me too as I do for you yeah I love you Sumedh jii I love you so much ♥️

Thinking this she did her house works

In night 🌙

Sumedh side

Sumedh, Rohit and Siddharth were hidding behind the bushes

Sumedh: rohit you have searched the right place na

Rohit: yes Sumedh this the place let's wait sometime it may come infront of our eyes

Siddharth: yeah yeah let's wait

Suddenly two snakes 🐍 came there

Siddharth: sumedh see there that snakes have came and see that there's nagmani on its head

Sumedh: don't shout to idiot anyone can listen to us

Rohit: don't worry Sumedh no one will come here it's a secret place only snakes will know

Siddharth: it's ok but how to get that nagmani there's two snakes 🐍 are there

Sumedh: I have a plan

Rohit: what??

Sumedh: we should kill them

Siddharth: what??😧 it's dangerous sumedh

Rohit: yeah it can bite us 😰

Sumedh: nothing will happen come with me

Siddharth: no no I can't

Sumedh: we you guys can't then stay here only I will kill them

Rohit: don't do this sumedh it's not good snakes are God and if you do like this means it can take revenge

Sumedh: no one can take revenge on me because I am the king of revenge we you guys don't came then it's ok I will go there and kill them and will bring that diamond you stay here

Rohit: but sumedh

Sumedh: no but just keep silent 🤫

Sumedh went there without listening to Rohit and Siddharth and sumedh killed that snakes from his gun 🔫 and took that nagmani in his hand and came back but he didn't saw that one snake on other side was seeing everything silently and had anger in its eyes for Sumedh ,Rohit and for Siddharth

Sumedh: now let's go home and till that dubai guy comes to India this diamond 💎 will be with me after that we can share the amount ok

Rohit and Siddharth: ok

They left the place and went to there respected mansion ( thought to give some nagin touch so given if you guys enjoyed then do comment )

Percap: riya want sumedh back to her 😐

Target 20 comments 😊

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