part 13

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Next morning 🌄

Sumedh was feeling better he freshed up himself and went infront of mirror 🪞 to cumb his hairs and mallika came there

Mallika: sumedh jii take this tablets have it and you feel even better

Mallika gave tablets to sumedh and he have it and mallika went to buy food from restaurant

Sumedh continues to cumb but suddenly his reflection started talking

Reflection: hii bro ,seems you are happy with your newly married wife

Sumedh: who are you

Reflection: I am your inner soul bro I want to talk to you

Sumedh: what??

Reflection: nothing you are happy after betrayed riya know

Sumedh: I didn't betrayed anyone riya deserved better

Reflection: is it 🤨 I think you lost in mallika beauty right

Sumedh: nothing like that she's just caring for me that's it

Reflection: ohoh but what about that confession of her love towards you yesterday

Sumedh: every one has the right to express their love so she too did that she's a good person

Reflection: ohh God you have changed Sumedh what if she is acting to impress you

Suddenly another Reflection of sumedh came there

Reflection 2: no way she's not she's just a pure soul

Reflection 1: Don't listen to this another Reflection Sumedh here my words just throw that mallika out she's just acting to grab your attention

Reflection 2: why should she ,see sumedh she is loving you even after you killed pavan but you just gave her hate don't be stone sumedh accept her

Reflection 1: no sumedh remember your mom's death your mom was very good person so she dead so early and you should not be like her

Reflection 2: but your father and mami are also good person why they didn't died yet so please accept mallika don't give her pain

Reflection 1: no sumedh you should not

Reflection 2: yes

Reflection 1: no

Reflection 2: yes

Reflection 1: noo

Sumedh: just stop it 🛑 ✋️ what decisions should be taken I will decide it not you ,just leave from here

Both Reflection vanished

Time passed mallika was impressive to sumedh this days and sumedh was admiring mallika every time after 5 days they returned to home town

Here in Arpit and man side

Man: Arpit we should change the plan

Arpit: but why what happened

Man: I heard each and every talks of sumedh and mallika, and about mallika she is very protective about sumedh she's ready to do anything for sumedh and more over some is observing us

Arpit: who??

Man: riya come out i know you are hidding and listening our words

Riya came out

Riya: how you got to know

Man: I am more cruel then you more intelligent also

Riya: leave it its ok but who are you and why are you always ware mask

Man: its a secret 🙊 I will show my face when time comes

Riya: ok but why are you changing plans and what was the plan

Man: why should I tell you

Riya: because I will join my hands with you to destroy sumedh because he betrayed me

Man: can we trust you

Arpit: of course we are old friends you can trust her

Man: ok then I My plan was to make sumedh mad person whenever he see somewhere he should see me only and I will be seen to him only and no one can see me because I have this diamond which make vanish when I choose to so only I was seen only to sumedh and not to mallika but I heard they talking about me and that mallika is very protective to sumedh and she even trust him if we say he is mad then no one will trust us and even it's time consuming too

Arpit: so what should we do

Man: I heard they both came home yesterday

Arpit: yes so what

Man: see Arpit after 3 days Make sumedh came out of home means make him travel from Mumbai to pune I will do something big that time

Arpit: what you will do

Man: wait and watch

Riya: am i there in this plan

Man: no if necessary i will inform you

Riya: ok

Three of them left the place

In night 🌙

Here sumedh side

Sumedh was drinking and smoking In terrace
Mallika came there searching him and saw that he was doing this things she went to him and grabbed that drinks and cigarettes from his hand

Mallika: what's this

Sumedh: what

Mallika: cigarettes ,drink don't you know this is harmful to life

Sumedh: so what

Mallika: sumedh jii try to understand your health is important to me

Sumedh: why are you this much caring for me

Mallika: I love you that's why

Sumedh: heyy bunny 🐰 go and do your business

Mallika: no first you get up from here and go to bed

Sumedh: what if I don't agree means

Mallika: I will not eat food tomorrow for whole day 😑

Sumedh: heyy why are this much stubborn haa

Mallika: I am like this only now give me

She took all the drinks and cigarettes and throwed it out

Sumedh: heyyyy my cigarettes 🚬

Mallika: shh 🤫🤫 now go and sleep simply go

Sumedh went to bed but he was thinking something

Percap: sumedh accepted mallika and proposed her 🥰

Target 25 comments 😊

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