part 29

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In night 🌙

Sumellika room

Sumedh was holding the divorce papers 📃 and was thinking about Monica life

Mallika came there

Mallika: what are you thinking??

Sumedh: ( in strict voice ) haa

Mallika got scared by his voice

Sumedh: what did you asked I didn't get it

Mallika: ( in feared voice ) nothing

Sumedh: come here sit

Mallika went and sat beside him

Sumedh: you no need to scare about me I have changed indeed it was you who changed me from cruel person to normal human I will be with you always will you also be mine forever ??

Mallika: what are you talking about, Is it the way to ask me about our togetherness if I wanted to leave you means I would have left you the day itself when you forcefully married me but I won't do like that because somewhere in my heart it was saying that you was innocent and after harsh came and this things happened I understood that it Arpit who made you grow like this but don't worry Sumedh jii I will always be yours no matter who comes and go I will be your bunny and wife forever and in every birth also 🥰❤️💓☺️

Sumedh: do you know what my mother was same as you she was forgiven every thing the mistake I had done she just used to smile and forgive me like the way you're doing 🙂🫠

Mallika: Don't worry I will be your mother also and your wife too

Sumedh: indeed you care for me like my mother and love me as a wife 😊🥰

They both holded each other hands and had a eye contact after sometime suddenly sumedh kissed mallika lips passionately and she too did the same afterwards

In morning 🌄

Sumedh: mallika where's harsh I didn't saw him from morning

Mallika: I too Don't know

Monica: he is not found from yesterday itself but we are searching now

Yash: he's not receiving phone also

Parvathi: may be is had some work

Suddenly sumedh received a call

Sumedh: hello

Person: don't ask me anything if you want your friend harsh then come to xyz location

Sumedh: heyy who are you hello

Phone cutted

Sumedh left without saying anything to xyz place

Sumedh went there and found a mansion with darkness

Sumedh went inside the mansion and started searching harsh

Sumedh: harsh ,harsh where are you 😢

Suddenly he received a voice from a room he went towards there

Sumedh: harsh

Harsh: ( in low voice ) Sumedh

Sumedh saw him and went towards him harsh was lying on floor Sumedh lifted him and made him sit but when he saw harsh stomach it was bleeding

Sumedh: harsh what happened to your stomach it's bleeding

Sumedh saw his stomach it was stubbed by knife 🔪 😳

Harsh: leave it Sumedh I wanna say you something

Sumedh: first we should go to hospital

Harsh: no need of it I won't be alive anymore but I wanna say the truth to you my friend

Sumedh had tears in eyes

Sumedh: tell me

Harsh: ( in painful voice ) Sumedh first of all I am not a human I am a snake that snake who's parents you killed that day do you remember

Sumedh think and remember it

Sumedh: yes I had killed two snakes 🐍 that day to take that diamond 💎

Harsh: yes it was my parents and after that I wanted to take revenge with you but when I came to you, you had accident and seeing mallika praying God to make you alive my heart said I should wait and when I came to mansion I understood everything that you was innocent and it was because of your mama Arpit and Basant who made you do like this but sumedh still we have enemies, you are not still safe

Sumedh: I am sorry I am really very sorry 😞 I shouldn't had done that things to your family but you are a God harsh you thought twice otherwise I would never be alive this day infront of you 😢😭

Harsh lifted his hand and placed it on Sumedh cheeks

Harsh: now you should play your game my duty to protect you is over from now on you should protect yourself and your family Sumedh I am leaving earth and going towards God now

Sumedh: don't say like this harsh but ,but who stubbed you like this from knife and who's Basant boss tell me something please who killed you harsh Harsh

Harsh had died already

Sumedh: 😭😭 ohh God what happened to my life why are you taking my people like this please give him back 😢 🙏

Sumedh sat on floor and thought about everything what should he do to find the real villain of the story

Sumedh pov

No I should not inform any thing to family and mallika they will again get tensed and about Basant boss I will definitely find him no matter what but now I should do the next process

Sumedh saw harsh but he had turned into snake 🐍 Sumedh took him in hands and made his rituals and went to home 🏡

Percap: who killed harsh??

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