part 20

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Mallika took harsh to his room and sumedh went behind them

Mallika: so harsh this is your room

Harsh: thank you

Mallika: by the way why you didn't let me talk about you infront of everyone because you was the one who saved my sumedh from danger

Harsh: well sometimes we should keep every thing private because if someone who tries to hurt us get to know this things means they will get a chance to harm us more

Mallika: I didn't understand

Harsh: don't worry you will get to know everything one by one

Mallika: ok

Sumedh pov

What this two are talking about I am not able to understand 😕

Three of them were coming down from stairs but suddenly mallika slipped and was about to fall and sumedh was yet to hold but harsh holded her

Sumedh: 🤨🤨

Harsh: walk slowly

Mallika coming to normal position

Mallika: yeah thank you 😊

Sumedh: let's go I am hungry 😐😠

Mallika: ok come

They went and sat on dinner table all the time sumedh was observing harsh and harsh was observing sumedh and mallika was observing both

In evening

Yash and Basant came from office

Yash looking at harsh

Yash: ohh so you are the one who come to take care of sumedh

Harsh: yes I am doctor harsh vardan I am the one who is here to make sumedh normal so as every one is here let me tell everyone that

Yash: that what ??

Harsh: that let's take sumedh somewhere so that his mind will get relaxed 😌

Mallika: no harsh it's being just 2 months after his surgery I can't take him to any where

Harsh: but mallika it's required for him to be out side also so that I will also get chance to access his mind

Yash: no

Basant: yeah we can't take him

Parvathi and Monica also didn't agreed to this

Harsh: ok then at last its your wish

In night 🌙

Sumellika room

Sumedh was sitting upset he was yet to cry but mallika came and sat beside him

Mallika: boo what happened why are you upset

Sumedh: why he holded you

Mallika: who??

Sumedh: that harsh ,he holded you know

Mallika: ohh I was yet to fall so he holded me

Sumedh: but I was there for that

Mallika: for what

Sumedh: to hold you

Mallika: boo you are now a small baby 👶 you can't hold me

Sumedh: I can and I am not a small boy ,go I will not talk to you

Mallika: ok sorry 😞

Sumedh turned his face to other side

Mallika: now what should I do to convince my boo

Sumedh: take me out somewhere like harsh said

Mallika: no it can't be possible

Sumedh: then go don't talk to me

Mallika pov

Oh oh he will not listen, I think I should agree because harsh forced to take sumedh out I think he has something in his mind may he make my sumedh jii normal again

Mallika: ok you turn this side now I agreed let's go out

Sumedh: yeayyy 🥳🥳

He started jumping on bed happily 😊

Mallika was also happy she made sumedh sleep and went downstairs

Mallika called everyone to hall

Mallika: so everyone I am ready to take sumedh out

Harsh: really

Mallika: yes

Yash: but mallika it's dangerous to sumedh

Mallika: Don't worry papa I and harsh are there to take care of him and even you guys should also come

Parvathi: what ??

Mallika: yes and harsh you Don't have any problem naa

Harsh: no no I don't have any problems let's go everyone

Yash: ok

Basant pov

This harsh is coming between my plans I should do something to him

Basant: but where to go ??

Harsh: let's go to Switzerland 🇨🇭

Mallika: yeah it's a good idea

Everyone agrees and started to prepare for travel

Harsh pov

I should do my work in this time itself because if everyone get to know about me means they will not allow me to do my work

Next day

Everyone took there seat I aeroplane ✈️

But sumedh seat was with Arpit and harsh seat was beside mallika

Sumedh: bunny I want to sit beside you

Arpit: bur sumedh it's harsh seat ask him

Sumedh: bunny please

Mallika: ok boo come sit 😘

Sumedh sat beside mallika and harsh went beside Arpit

Sumedh gave a death glare to harsh 🤨🧐

Plan started to take off

Sumedh got little scared and hugged Mallika tightly and putted his head on her shoulder Mallika started patting his head slowly so he slept 😴 💤

Next day

Everyone reached Switzerland 🇨🇭 and went to there respective rooms

Mallika: boo come I will make to fresh up

Sumedh: ok

Mallika took sumedh to washroom and made him bath 🛁 and made him ready later She too got ready

Mallika: now let's explore Switzerland ok

Sumedh: yeayy 🥳🥳

Percap: who's this harsh now ??

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