part 2

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Sumedh went to marriage Hall and slept on his room

Here mallika and her family left the hospital and started to travel for marriage

Next early morning 🌄

Parvathi: sumedh muna get up everything is ready Monica is also ready for marriage Everyone is waiting for you get up fast

Sumedh: 5 minutes mami

Parvathi: oh no muna come on get up

Sumedh got up and went to take bath

Here in Basant father side

Basant father: arrey malikarjun jii you are coming now already everything is ready why you guys are late

Malikarjun: sorry jii there was a small problem that's why we are late but it's ok come show me the stage where groom and bride get marry I will make ready everything

Basant dad: ok come

Malikarjun: mallika, meera you both get ready in your rooms fast

Mallika: ok papa

Mallika went to her room and got ready

Here sumedh side

Sumedh: hmm everything is OK now I think I should smoke 🚬 some cigarette

Monica came there

Monica: sumedh you are smoking today also its my marriage at least please don't smoke today

Sumedh: sorry didi but I can't and All the best for marriage

Monica: thank you my brother

Parvathi came there

Parvathi: you both are here come everything is ready now tieing mangalsutra is pending

Sumedh: yeah yeah come let's go

Sumedh and Parvathi come with bride 👰‍♂ and groom was also ready

Malikarjun: now groom and bride please exchange your varmalan

Both exchanged it

Malikarjun: Basant now tie the mangalsutra to Monica

Basant tied it everything went well they both are now husband and wife every one was happy seeing it

But suddenly mallika saw Sumedh Standing beside Monica

Mallika pov

This boy he's the same boy who did the accident last night but he is here without any fear how can he be this much merciless

Every one was busy in there works sumedh again started to smoke 🚬 😶‍🌫️

Mallika was passing infront of him but suddenly someone dashed her

Mallika: sorry

Riya: heyy are you blind can't you see I was coming from there

Mallika: I told sorry

Riya: no sorry is acceptable

Sumedh was seeing all this and came there

Sumedh: hii riya

Riya: how are you baby

Sumedh: fine baby

They kissed each other

Mallika: can you please stop this ,because this is a public place but you guys are doing this things

Sumedh: so what she's my girlfriend

Riya: yeah and you girl what's your problem haa

Sumedh: heyyy wait I have seen you some where but I can't remember do you know me

Mallika: yes I am you are the same person who did accident to a old man yesterday

Sumedh: ohh yeah I saw you yesterday night and hows that old man did he died

Mallika: yes because of you he died yesterday

Sumedh: omg what a wonderful matter it is

Mallika: are you shameless you are saying it is wonderful to hear a death matter

Sumedh: of course I like to kill everyone who I don't like

Mallika: you bloody idiot 😠😠

Sumedh: hyyyy😡😡

Sumedh got angry

Sumedh: enough is enough I can't argue more you are calling me a idiot now you will pay for this

Sumedh took gun from his pocket and pointed it towards mallika he was yet to shoot 🔫 but Yash came there

Yash: what's happening here Sumedh what's this behaviour

Sumedh: Dad I should kill this girl

Yash: sumedh put your hands down it's not a way to behave with women ask sorry

Sumedh: but dad

Yash: ask sorry

Sumedh to mallika: sorry

Suddenly everyone came there and malikarjun saw all this

Malikarjun: you ,you are the same boy right who did accident yesterday

Yash: what Sumedh you did accident 😳

Sumedh: yes dad I did

Yash: what are you talking Sumedh I was yet to transfer all my property to you tomorrow bit you

Mallika: sorry to say this but your son is not worth to handle your property uncle

Malikarjun: yes and you know what I predicted his future it's dangerous to say

Yash: what are you a future predicter

Malikarjun: yes iam and now I should see your sons kundli to know more about him

Sumedh: kundli my foot this are all just a shits don't trust this things dad it's a nonsense

Parvathi: Don't say like that muna let him say about your future life ( to malikarjun ) ji now I don't have Sumedh kundli but you please come to our mansion tomorrow I will give it to you and you can say about my muna

Sumedh: mami you too listen to this

Parvathi: yes

Yash: at least listen to your mami please

Sumedh: ok as you guys wish

Malikarjun: ok then I will come to your mansion tomorrow please keep ready his kundli tomorrow

Parvathi: ok

Saying this mallika and her father malikarjun went from there also everyone left for there work

Sumedh: i will not leave this bunny

Riya: who's bunny

Sumedh: that girl

Riya: but what's the meaning of bunny

Sumedh: bunny means a little rabbit 🐇 she looks like rabbit 🐰

Riya: hmm

Percap: what this mallika father malikarjun told about sumedh future 😱😱

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