part 6

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Early morning 🌄

Parvathi: sumedh get up your getting late for marriage

Sumedh woke up

Sumedh: good morning mami

Parvathi: good morning now go get ready

Sumedh: yeah ok

Sumedh went to get ready for marriage and left the mansion

Here in mallika side

Meera: mikku from today you will have a different life be ready to face everything from now on

Mallika: I know maa I will handle everything you don't worry

Meera: ok sit here only don't go Anywhere until the malikarjun jii say you to come here because it's our culture that until pundit asks bride to come on mantap bride should not go anywhere ok

Mallika: yeah maa ok I will be sitting here you go

Meera left from there and came out ,she saw that malikarjun was standing and thinking something

Meera: jii what are you thinking every one has arrived we should start the ritual

Malikarjun: yeah but I am feeling something is happening wrong

Meera: nothing like that you're worried because our daughter is going to another house living us that's it nothing else

Malikarjun: is it

Meera: yeah now come do start the ritual

Malikarjun: ok

He went to mantap and asked groom to come there ,pavan got ready and came to mantap and sat

Here sumedh also arrived at marriage Hall and sat in front row ,Pavan greeted him from hands

Sumedh pov

Oh ho I forgot to bring the gift 🎁 hmm let it be I will give it when he comes to office

Suddenly sumedh saw malikarjun and meera on mantap

Sumedh pov

What this two are doing here may be came to marriage as I came

Malikarjun: now bring the bride to mantap

Meera and some other girls went to bride 👰‍♂ room and bought her and here our sumedh saw this and was shocked to see the bride

Sumedh got up from the chair

Sumedh pov

Ohh no this marriage is mallikas and I came here to wish them ,the person who destroyed my life its there marriage she is happily sitting with her groom after ruining my life I will not spare her ,but what to do think sumedh think ,haa shall I kill her ,no no I should not because it doesn't fulfill my revenge but what to do ,idea 😈😁

Malikarjun gave mangalsutra to pavan and pavan was yet to tie but suddenly sumedh shouted

Sumedh: stop this marriage

Every one saw him and pavan took his hand back from mallika

Malikarjun: you here who allowed you inside

Sumedh: no one I myself came here

Malikarjun: but why

Sumedh: what you said I will die in just few months and if riya marry me she will become widow in no mouths so I came here to destroy the marriage of your daughter, so let's come to the point give your daughter to me as my wife otherwise I will fire pavan from his job

Malikarjun: no Matter what I will not give my daughter to you even if pavan don't have job I will give my daughter to him only not to you

Sumedh got angry 😠 😡 he lost his sense and took his gun out and shooted pavan on his head ,pavan died on spot and seeing it every one got scared even mallika she had tears in her eyes seeing pavan laying died infront of her eyes

Sumedh: don't test Mt patience if you father and daughter didn't came to my mansion and told this kind of shit means I didn't wanted to do this but you both, you both bring tears in my mamis eyes by saying I will die in few months and riyas widow news so I have decided now mister malikarjun if I really die means not riya but your daughter should become widow and she should suffer till her last breath I will punish her for your every deeds

Saying this he laughed evily

Malikarjun: please don't ruin my daughters life I beg you please

Sumedh didn't listened to this and he went to mantap and took mangalsutra in his hand and in no seconds sumedh tied mangalsutra on Mallika's neck and now she is his wife he's her husband, sumedh forcefully holded mallika hand and made her stand and go under seven rounds on mantap and came down holding her hand towards malikarjun

Sumedh: now she's my wife what will you do this is your punishment mister malikarjun now your daughter will be in hel keep watching 😏😈

Mallika was seeing all this silently and saw Sumedh

Mallika: ( in cracking voice ) let's go now

Sumedh saw her

Sumedh: where??

Mallika: to our house 🏠 let's go I can't be here

Malikarjun: what happened mikku why are you saying like this

Meera: don't do this please sumedh give our daughter back 🙏🙏

Mallika: maa this is not right I have married to a person now I am his wife he has every rights on me I should go to his ,I mean pur house now ,am I right papa 🥺🥺

Malikarjun: yes you are right you should leave now

Sumedh: ohh stop this drama heyyy you bunny 🐰 say goodbye to your parents because you will not meet them again say fast I have a lot of work I should attend a party

Mallika: ( in tears ) bye maa bye papa

Malikarjun: bye mikku 😔😔

Meera: bye 😨😭

Sumellika left the marriage Hall and went to mudgalkar mansion

Percap: what happens next??

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