part 16

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Mallika, Parvathi and Yash went to the hospital 🏥

Yash: where is my son Sumedh is admitted 😢

Receptionist:in 3rd floor sir

Everyone went there and was waiting for doctors arrival

Doctors came

Mallika: Dr my husband

Dr : see your husband's head and body is severely injured we are trying to recover it but he is not responding but we will try our best and one more thing his head is slightly opened on back side so it's really very difficult to get back him normal

Hearing this mallika fell down and started crying 😢 😭

Yash: do something doctors please we begging you

Dr: I can understand your situation but I am sorry

Saying this they went

Mallika was crying suddenly something hitted her mind she got up and went to radha krishna temple 🛕 beside hospital 🏥

Mallika to radha krishna: I have always prayed you did many pooja for you then to you are playing this game with me ,which I can't be able to bear please god save my husband he's my everything if something happens to him means I will also die here itself please 🙏 😭😭😭

She fell on her knees

Mallika: please 🙏  😭

And there was a man seeing this he came closer to mallika and putted his hand on Mallikas shoulder

Mallika lifted her head and saw him

Mallika: who are you

Man: hii I am harsh I think you are upset of something what's that

Mallika: my husband had accident and he is under going to a surgery doctor is saying he will not be alive I can't do anything if something happens to him means I will also die 😭

Saying this she cried her heart out

Harsh: don't worry nothing will happen to him take this

Mallika: what's it

Harsh: it's a tread and a spiritual water give it to your husband he will be alright and tie this tread to him he will be fine

Mallika: can I trust you and who are you

Harsh: Don't ask much do what I said I have many works I should go

Saying this he left from there and mallika also came back to hospital 🏥 and went towards Sumedh ward

She saw Sumedh his head was fully covered with bandage wires were attached to his chest and stomach oxygen was putted to his mouth

Mallika controlled her tears and went towards him and sat beside chair

Mallika: sumedh jii please open your eyes

Sumedhs heart beat was going slow for every minute Mallika was seeing it

Mallika: sumedh jii you can't do like this if you do something I don't like means I will also die here itself you can't do anything like this I know you will get up please get up for me please😭😭

Saying this she kept her head on his cheat and was hearing his heart beat 💓

Mallika: sumedh jii heart beat is going down I should tie this tread and water to him

Mallika tied the Tread to his hand and made him drink that water suddenly doctors came there

Dr: mam you should go out we have to test him

Mallika left from there

After sometime doctors came out

Mallika: what happened Dr

Dr: we are sorry Mr mudgalkar is no more

Mallika: noooo it can't be happened he is alive he is still alive you guys are saying false my husband is alive he's not dead noo

Mallika started crying more Yash and Parvathi were numb but suddenly nurse came from sumedh ward

Nurse: Dr sumedh sir has opened his eyes now

Dr: what ??

Nurse: yes

Mallika: I said know he's alive he can't leave me

Doctors went to ward and came out after 15 minutes

Yash: what happened now

Dr: congratulations your son is alive but

Mallika: what but??

Dr: Mrs sumedh be strong because I am going to tell a things that breaks your heart

Mallika: what's it

Dr: Mr sumedh mudgalkar was lost his memories from his childhood till now ,he doesn't know anything happened in his life but its a small issue another thing is there which is more bigger than this

Parvathi: what's it

Dr: sumedh has lost his memory as well as he has become 8 years child

Yash: what

Dr: yes from now on Sumedh don't have even an idea of who is he and who are you guys and more than that from now on he will behave like a 8 years kid he don't know anything you should take care of him like a kid only because he is now a 8 years kid

Mallika: but why this happened Dr

Dr: his head has slightly opened and his brain is also effected by this so he is now a 8 year kid ,his body will be as 25 year boy but his mind will be as 8 years child so Mrs Mallika take care of him like your kid and also as husband but be careful because from now on Sumedh is a 8 year kid ,ok

Mallika: at least he's alive I am happy for that and about he behaving like kid I will definitely take care of him like he's my kid because for every man his wife will be his second mother and for every woman her husband will be her first child I will definitely accept him as my first child and even as my husband I will take care of him you don't worry 😢🥺

Doctors left from there after sometime Mallika went towards Sumedh

Percap: will sumedh be able to identify Mallika??

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