Dark Pasts (Pt. 1)

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(Note : from now, all POVs are in the past, for the story's benefit, unless otherwise mentioned)
Eight years ago...
Edgar POV
"It was a dark and stormy night. Thunder rumbled outside loudly, and the lightning crackled deafeningly up in the sky. It was dark and chilly, all the kids had gone to sleep, and I was the only one left awake in the whole building. Even our manager had gone to sleep," she told me. "Then, there was a soft knocking at the door, three times fast, and the last time slowly. I hurried to the door, wondering who it could be this late at night. Even I was ready to take my sleep, since the clock had just struck midnight twenty minutes ago. But nevertheless I went to open the door. To my surprise...there was nobody there. Until I looked down, and found a baby, sound asleep, curled up in blankets and placed in a box, sitting on the doorstep. I glanced around, and the only people I spotted were a man and woman carrying a seemingly expensive black umbrella and walking away through the storm. Their cloaks were as black as the darkness surrounding us. And I never saw them again. Never. But I always remembered how they looked like."

"Wow, really?" I asked. "That's the story of how I ended up in this orphanage?"

"Yeah," Hana, the kind lady in charge of taking care of me and my friends, responded softly. "That's how you ended up on our doorstep, and how I saw what I believed was your parents."

"So my parents were just two people in black cloaks, carrying a possibly expensive black umbrella in the rain? And you haven't seen them since?" I clarified.

"Yeah," Hana told me again sadly. "But well...you asked how you got here to be with us, and this is everything I know about that."

"Thanks anyway, Hana," I smiled. "Thanks for telling me what you know."

"Anytime, Edgar," Hana said.

I estimated Hana to be about twenty-two, which was very young. She had once been taken care of, here at the Orphanage of Brazilian Brawltopia, too. That's why she came to work here, to help her peers and give back to the orphanage, Hana had told me.

She said she liked working here, even though the manager of the orphanage, Bull, was not nice too her. In fact, he wasn't nice to anyone. Thankfully, we rarely saw him.

Bull was from Retropolis, our neighbouring country. He was unkind, greedy, stingy, rude, unhygienic and overall really tortuous to be with. But one thing that struck me the most was his mysterious nature. He always seemed to be hiding something when he rushed off after his weekly one-hour visits. I wanted to know what secret he could be keeping, but I didn't want to be expelled from the orphanage.

Hana had told me, I had been here at OBB for ten years. But since I had no birth certificate with me, nobody had any idea how old I was. All everyone knew was that I was most likely at least eleven years old. But I could be much older than that...until we found who my parents truly were, nobody would know.

And I didn't have any hope that we would ever find them.

It had been eight years, after all.

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