A Union

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Colette POV
I needed to finish before I exploded, so I rushed out, "Recently, I'm feeling new things every time I look at you. I don't really know why, I just get flustered, I blush a lot, I say nonsense, I get panicked...but I think it's because I...actually like you. I misjudged you at first, but once I moved past that...I got to see how great of a guy you are. You're kind, nice, supportive, handsome...Honestly, my feelings for you get stronger every day, and it's getting harder and harder to control them. It's already longing for something like a new love. A union of two people. The two of us."

His breaths quickened, but I still had to finish, "Every day, I wish for the possibility of us—whether subconsciously, or consciously. In my eyes, you shine brighter than everything else. Nothing else can outshine your beautiful glimmer. I don't know if you feel the same way. But if you do, I hope you'll let me know. If you want the same things as me, just for us to be a thing, to be together, to share love...we're meant to be together. I'm not forcing you into anything. I'd just like to know how you feel."

That's it. I officially went nuclear. My cheeks were probably the colour of maroon, sweat trickled down my back, my heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest, my pulse racing faster than ever, my—

"Colette?" Edgar whispered. He was like the light to my darkness, bringing me out of the panic. "I...didn't know you felt this way. The fact that you like me, it's really...flattering. And nice to think of. And honestly, maybe...I'd like to give a shot. At the two of us."

He leaned in, and my breathing quickened as my brain screamed, HE'S GOING TO KISS ME NOW!! OH MY GOD....

And he really did. The way our lips touched tenderly...the feeling of finally kissing the guy I liked forever...the excitement of my feelings of love being reciprocated...

I always thought people were lying about how good kissing was.

But boy, it was better than I could ever have imagined, like I mad just lived through the best moments of my life at record speed in that kiss.

A moment that I would never forget.

Colette POV (Present)
Finally, the unification ceremony had commenced, and Edgar and I strayed away from the crowd to talk among ourselves.

"Do you remember...the day when we finally got together? Do you remember our kiss?" Edgar asked me softly, his eyes glowing like diamonds in the sunlight.

I smiled at him and laughed, "How could I ever forget the best moment of my life?"

Edgar blushed, then he turned to me and smiled brightly, "I'm glad to have you here with me."

Then he kissed me, just like he had done that day, a perfect kiss. The citrusy smell of his hair, the way his arms wrapped around me protectively...the way it reminded me of everything we had been through together, as a couple, stronger than ever...

It was like he had captured that moment and perfectly recreated it once again.

This wasn't just some silly infatuation like I had originally tried to trick myself and Aditi into believing. It was definitely true love.

Edgar was my one.

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