An Invasion

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Edgar POV
"Quick, everybody, we need to catch them red-handed while they're still here. Someone call the police, someone call the SSOs about this," Hana ordered.

I whipped up my phone and quickly dialled the nearest police station's service number. Colette called the SSOs on her phone, and soon she was talking to their help centre.

It took thirty more seconds before a police officer replied, "Hi, good morning, how may I help you today?"

I immediately rushed out, "Kindly get the Orphanage of Brazilian Brawltopia, the OBB, at Nicholson West 9th Street. A suspicious facility has been discovered in our orphanage, and there are two men carrying out nuclear experiments with radioactive materials. The radiation has already taken an effect on us. Please come quickly before they leave."

"Of course," the officer's voice turned sharp and grim and the line went dead seconds later.

In five minutes, both the police cars and the SSO's trucks arrived one after another. What seemed like a dozen men spilled out, with a lieutenant at their front. The SSOs were busy handing out anti-radiation protection-outfits, and we quickly put it on. We had mutated, but it could get worse right?

Once everyone had changed into them, Aditi teleported us to the door on the to floor of the orphanage, then created another portal into the facility itself, letting the police officers step in and arrest those criminals. Immediately, shouts and gasps were heard from inside, and I slammed the door open with my restlessly flapping scarf. Bull had been tied up and left on the floor. But where was the other man?

"Where's the other one? There were two!" I demanded from Bull. The only response I got was a furious growl and him trying to snap his handcuffs.

"Well, well, I always knew there was some sort of fishy business that had to do with you here," Hana scoffed, looking at Bull dead in the eye. "That's why you always disappeared so fast after your visits, and why Colette saw you pressing your gun against the door. Now, tell me, Bull, where. Is. Your. Accomplice?"

I had already scanned the room with an X-Ray. The results were...interesting.

"Okay, you want the good news, the bad news, or the weird news first?" I asked everybody—or rather the ones remaining. Three officers had dragged Bull away, and silenced him with a sedative but not before he shouted, "You'll never find Emerson! He will carry out our plan to make a weapon against Brawltopia, and we will win the war! Mwahahahaha!"

"In that order, I guess," one of the police officers, a female whose name tag read, "Rena", told me.

"Well...the good news is the facility only has one door, up there, which is guarded by SSOs. So he can't have escaped. The bad news is that...well...I've scanned and scoured every inch of this room, and those no trace of anybody here at all. Only lots of potions, radioactive materials (which need to be taken soon by the way) and complex machinery," I answered.

"So what's the weird news?" James asked curiously.

"The weird news is," I paused for dramatics, "There's a trapdoor under our feet."

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