Out of the Woods (Danger Pt. 4)

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Colette POV
"Thank god," I whispered as I closed the door behind me, making sure it was locked properly so that nobody could follow me. I raced down two flights of stairs, my breathing laboured, my foot seats plunking on the metal loudly and awkwardly as I finally reached the emergency exit.

Yet another lock bolted the door, but thankfully I was inside this time so the bolt was simple. Using a bit of energy, I heaved the metal plank aside and pushed the door open with all my strength, breathing a large sigh of relief as I emerged into the clearing outside of the orphanage.

Then I rounded the bend to find hot email entrance of the orphanage, where a faint green mist hung over the entire building. I gasped and glanced around.

One of the pipes connected to the orphanage had busted, and it seemed to be letting green gas escape from it.

Dozens of people were sprawled across the grass, their eyes shut, their legs scrambling, their voices all overlapping as they screamed, shouted, yelled, hollered...

All I could tell from the dramatic scene was that...

Something had happened.

Was that how the bull-man had gotten into the orphanage? By attacking everyone outside to enter it sneakily?

What's for sure, I had to help them. I spotted Miss Hana and Edgar collapsed somewhere in the chaos-wrecked field, and my face went nuclear at the sight of that jerk again.

Maybe I shouldn't help him at all.

That would serve him right.




No matter what he had done to me, he probably didn't deserve that. If I wanted to wing hid war, I would win it another way and punish him with a lighter consequence. For now, I had to focus on helping them.

Edgar POV
All hope of escaping this situation was gone as my vision continued to be clouded, and I crashed into several people while trying to walk away. I was pretty sure I had nailed Hana in the stomach.

"GUYS!!" A loud voice shrieked. "WHAT'S GOING ON OVER HERE?"

It took me a while to recognise the voice, which I had last heard in an angry, furious tone.

"Colette?" Miss Hana called out, confirming my suspicions.

At least she was helping us.

"Yes, it's me!" Colette shouted out. With my now heightened sense of hearing, I detected her somewhere on my left.

Hana told Colette, "We're going blind because of...something. We can't see a single thing. Can you?"

"Yes, I can. Everybody, follow my voice," Colette instructed, "I'm going to bring you back inside the orphanage. Hopefully the mist won't be as dense in there. There's a busted pipe out here and it's spewing out green gas. We need to move fast, if not I'll be going blind too, apparently."

A number of orders led us straight forward, left, right then so many other directions that I couldn't remember where we were going.

But Colette performer her job, and soon I found my vision clearing to spot myself inside the main hall of the orphanage.

"Thanks, Colette," Hana said graciously. "Without you, we wouldn't have gotten out of this mess."

"We're not out of the woods yet," She warned. "I saw a scary man with a gun in here just now, and I escaped from the emergency exit."

Hana's face steeled in worry as she ordered, "Kids, all of you come with me. Any adults here, you can either leave first, or since you're basically stuck here for now, help me check the hallways."

The strangers agreed, heading down numerous passages in threes and fours.

Hana brought us down to the dormitory area, where we each shoved the doors open and checked for anyone inside.

Then we reached the last door in the hallway, not having found anyone.

"He had to be here," Colette whispered to us. "I saw him come here before I escaped the orphanage."

So Hana pushed open the door bravely, clutching a long wooden bat that she had borrowed from Ken's room. But the door swung open to reveal...

"Bull?" I asked in confusion.

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