Reasons (The Summit Pt. 1)

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Edgar POV
"Today, we are here to discuss a very important topic in our world today. After the past three strikes from Retropolis—" John began, letting everyone lower their head to pay respects to the fallen during the biggest war of all, as well as acknowledge those who had been outed as traitors. He continued, "We have realised that the previous mayor, Albert, was corrupted. Now, we want to work past that, and build a better future for all of us. That's why we have been working on a unification of both countries into one strong empire. But the controversy that has caused the summit we are at today is the beliefs of a small group of Retropolians who remain opposed to the movement. Now we shall hear from them."

One of the Retropolian men at the other end of the table stood up and confronted all the others, "Fellow Retropolians, I just want you to know that I am in fact, not entirely opposed to the movement. I just feel that we need to find enough logic for this, before we make a rash decision that could end up proving itself to be a mistake. So, as for now, I am currently unwilling to move ahead so fast. Unless the Brawltopians, or any of you who support their idea, can give me some reasons that the unification would benefit us, and not just their side."

"I can give many," Colette stood up bravely. I smiled at her confidence—that was what I loved about her. She always wasn't afraid of larger powers, and always dared to raise her own opinion, sometimes with a level of courage that I could never even achieve.

"Yes, Ms...Jeanette, is it?" The man, whose name seemed to be Mark, asked.

"It's Colette," she clarified in an authoritative tone. I was proud of her for that.

"You can do it, Col!" I whispered.

"Okay, Ms Colette, what would you have to say?" Mark countered.

"Easy. You asked for some reasons. I'm merely providing you with two simple ones. Firstly, your country is in chaos, because of all the corruption cases in the nation. Your government is currently unable to handle it, as some of them too, are among the few aforementioned. The Brawltopian government is quick-thinking, intelligent, efficient. I highly recommended taking their help to solve your problems, since we are willing to lend you a hand." Colette started.

Mark nodded slowly, like he agreed with her point. That was a good sign.

"Secondly, if the two countries unify into one empire, all of will be one." She turned to address the crowd that was on Mark's side, her eyes trailing over each one of them, one by one. "We will learn from each other, influence each other's cultures, solve each other's problems, and bring peace to ourselves. If we remain separated, once both nations have recovered from the recent war, there will very likely be yet another strike, that will cause more trouble. So, should we stay stuck in the past, harping on ancient conflicts, or move on together into the brighter future?"

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