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Colette POV
It had been more than a week since Edgar had come to me, and explained the truth behind everything that happened that day. And I?

My feelings were getting clearer every day. Every time I looked at him, I couldn't stop my face from spreading into a smile. Every time he looked at me, my heart fluttered. Every time he smiled at me, I turned into a panicked mess. And when he talked to me, I would literally dive into my mind and become oblivious to what he was saying, only dreaming about him. This was getting out of control.

Maybe I needed to share my feelings for him.

I would die of embarrassment, but maybe it would help. Maybe he could help.

And maybe, he would confess that he liked me too, and he'd get closer, and then he'd lean it, his cologne wafting in through her nose as he pressed his...

"NO!" I yelled at myself. "This is not the time, girl. We still need to ask him for help in the investigation about..."

Edgar turned to me at the sudden noise, and I leaped up and smiled awkwardly. He grinned as he saw me, almost making me faint.

"Well, well, if it isn't young love," Aditi teased from behind me.

Ever since I had become friends with Edgar, his best friends James and Aditi had also taken a liking to me.

"Huh? W-What? No, no at all!" I stammered—maybe a little too quickly.

But Aditi's face turned serious as she told me, "Firstly, Colette, us girls can see this kind of things. You're literally head over heels for Edgar."

"Do-do you think he KNOWS?" I worried nervously, biting my nails.

"Calm down, girl, boys can't see this kind of things," Aditi laughed, "But, you need to help him realise it."

"Wh-what, no wa—" I began, but Aditi cut me off, "Promise, Colette. He deserves to know you're literally in love with him. Maybe deep down, he also wants this, but needs your help to discover his true emotions."

"You think?" I asked hopefully.

"Boys are kinda...oblivious...when it comes to this kind of things. Even their own emotions." Aditi said, which wasn't actually an answer. But I decided to take it because I realised something else.

"You said, 'Firstly'. So what was the second thing you were going to talk about?" I deduced.

"Wow, you're quite the detective, aren't you?" Aditi laughed. "Well...I overheard you talking about an investigation. So, what was it about? And why do you need his help with it?"

"Wellllllll," I said, dragging out the word, "Truth is, I kinda find Bull suspicious. I don't know, it may just be because I'm new. But I think Edgar feels the same, from what I can see."

"Why are you suspicious of him?" Aditi frowned.

"Well, for one, while you guys were all stuck outside blinded by the smoke, I was going down the stairs when I spotted him at the end of that hallway," I pointed to her where it was, "Holding a gun. He pressed the gun against the door, and the door beeped and locked or something. There's something he's hiding in that gun. Plus, I find it kinda suspicious that the same day he turned up off schedule, there was a gas leak at that pipe. But most of all...when I tried to find the emergency stairs to get out of the building, I saw another door opposite. So I opened it, and I found a three story facility, one that I didn't even know existed."

"What?" Aditi gasped. "Since when was there such a thing?"

"I have absolutely no idea at all," I admitted. "No idea at all."

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