Something...Off (Danger Pt. 3)

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Colette POV
Easing the door closed as quietly as I could, so that the mysterious guy at the bottom of the stairs wouldn't detect my presence and kidnap me on something, I darted across the hallway, looking left and right to ensure nobody was watching.

Thankfully, nobody was to be seen.

I pulled on the handle as hard as I could, but it wasn't working. The door wouldn't budge, nobody how much strength I channeled.

Then finally, I spotted a keyhole at the side of the door, and facepalmed. I needed a key to unclog this goddamn door...but I didn't have one!

It took a bit of scavenging before I found a hidden compartment on the left side of the door, where the wall was hollow. The moment I touched it, a soft whir echoed in the hallway before a click rang out and the wall swung open to reveal a hidden compartment. Seriously, why was this orphanage so weird? It had so many random secret passageways, secret doors, secret rooms, secret compartments...

There was something off about this place.

But I couldn't place my finger on what exactly.

Edgar POV
My vision was clearing exceptionally slowly, but a few things were become more and more ways to see. I was now able to make out the smudged outline of my friends and numerous other people.

All seemed to be getting better until I felt a sharp pain between my shoulder blades, and almost simultaneously, everyone in the clearing groaned like me, "Ow!"

The pain was never-relenting; like a needle piercing our skin. And then all of a sudden, it vanished as suddenly as it had come.

"Seriously, what is going on?" I murmured, picking myself up. There was some mystery that I couldn't solve right now. And I wasn't planning to just sit by while we suffered.

Colette POV
"Ugh, this key will activate the alarm if I smash the glass protecting it..."I whispered to myself. "Then they'll know that I activated the emergency stairs for a reason..."

I shut the latch, trying to brainstorm and idea to get myself out of this mess, quickly before more danger came hunting for me. That man in the basement, or the man in the bull shirt, could come at anytime.

Think, Colette, think? What can you use to escape? I tried to brainstorm. Then I had an idea.

I snapped my fingers to conjure my weapon : an arrow-pierced love letter that I used to injure enemies. Then, I pulled the arrow out carefully, making sure I didn't prick my finger on it. The barbs were really sharp.

Slowly, I inserted the arrow into the lock, hoping my plan would work.

Nothing happened.

I growled and twisted it back and forth in the lock with my pores, trying to get the stubborn lock to open and let me escape this weird situation.

And then finally, the soft click I had wanted to hear came, and the door swung open with a squeak, revealing my path of escape.

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