Make-up (Pt. 1)

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Edgar POV (Present)
After a long session of panicked discussions once Fang's secretary Tina had told us about the meeting, the day was followed by Janet rambling about what we should wear. After what felt like an eternity of Janet choosing the "perfect outfits" for all of us, we finally settled on clothes that suite our own individual personalities and styles. Being a complete fashionista, she gave me a black tuxedo paired with a dark-striped tie and black-coloured jeans to match, as well as stylish black boots. It did take extremely long, but I had to admit that I looked great. Janet would probably a fashion designer in the future.

Then Janet spent yet another hour or two doing make-up for the girls. I nearly laughed out loud when Colette groaned again. She was just like me—she didn't put much thought into her appearance and really detested a drastic change in outfit and looks. Us guys spent the time reading up on some of the official documents John had sent us about the summit. Looks like there would be a lot to discuss.

I wouldn't be surprised if we ended up stuck for weeks. Last time such a summit was held between Brawltopia and the Elemental Islands due to an uprising and internal conflicts, I had heard the meeting lasted for almost two months.

I really hoped that wouldn't be the case this time round. Luckily, it probably wouldn't—John said this topic was less controversial and there were only a few opposers of the movement in Retropolis. Hopefully, it would be easy to convince those stubborn brats once we presented our case.

Now, we were already on Fang's private jet, heading for the chilly mountaintops of Icino once again. While the nation was full of snobs, Retropolis still had a nice landscape. It was quite beautiful.

"So, how about continuing that story?" Sandy suggested.

"Yeah, I want to know more about this secret third time that you were talking about," Jessie said eagerly.

"It wasn't that secret," I corrected, "And, well..."

Edgar POV
I need to find a way to make-up with Colette, I thought. I'm definitely going to need her help if I want to get further in this investigation.

I looked at Colette, who was glancing out of the window yet again.

But how? My brain reminded me. I hated its logical side sometimes—it could be so annoying. But I still needed it anyways.

Colette seemed to hold a grudge. And a bit crazy with that being said. How on earth was I going to change her mind? She seemed so...stubborn.

When I looked at her, my heart felt a bit prickly. Beating a bit faster.

It's probably because of the worry, I believed. Anyways...back to the point. How do I get this girl to make-up with me, and maybe start our relationship anew?

No idea.

Then Hana shouted, "The SSOs are here, everybody!"

I rushed to the window, wanting to catch a glimpse of them. There were at least a dozen of them—all wearing gas masks, in full protective uniform from that mysterious green smoke, all holding what looked like a hose of some sorts.

Turns out it was an odd-looking vacuum cleaner instead. In a few seconds, the green gas was all sucked up by the machine, and the clearing was no longer cloudy. I watched as the officers looked around, then suddenly one shouted something that I couldn't hear through the glass blockage.

All of them rushed towards a spot to our far right, and I craned my neck as far as I could to follow their vision.

Then I realised they had found the source.

A leaking gas pipe?

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