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Colette POV
After a few awkward minutes, Bull fared goodbye to us and headed out using the emergency exit, as the clearing outside was still full of that odd green gas that was blinding people with its poisonous smoke.

I had a few suspicions, a few theories about the odd appearance of this blinding gas. But I needed more evidence, and maybe a little bit of help, to confirm them.

I wonder who could.

Edgar POV
I peered out of the window, trying to find the source of the mysterious green smoke enveloping the entire clearing outside the orphanage, but to no avail. The cloud was too heavy, too thick for me to see through. The only chance of me spotting where it had came from was to go out into the storm...and I didn't have the right equipment for the exploration of the mysterious maze that had been formed by the gas.

Thankfully, Hana had called some SSOs, or Special Situation Officers, to deal with the current problem.

So I turned around, hoping they would arrive soon. On the other side of the room, I spotted the white-haired girl peering out of the window too, likely trying to the same thing as me.

It was interesting how similar we were in terms of mentality. In terms of personality, we were worlds apart.

But maybe that was meant to be.

Edgar POV (Present)
"Hmm...even that early you already subconsciously knew you had something for Colette?" Janet giggled. "That's so sweet."

I blushed furiously, and Colette looked away.

"So, anyways, what happened next?" Fang asked, saving me from the embarrassment with his question.

But I was interrupted by a soft knocking on the door of the living room in Fang's palace of a house. Which was obviously, insanely gigantic.

Leon got up and pulled the door open in confusion, wondering aloud who it could be. Turns out it was Fang's secretary, wanting to speak to us.

She took a seat on one of the couches, fiddled with her tablet before she finally showed us a message on the screen and explained, "Mr. Senc has instructed me to inform you about a new development in Retropolis."

"Well, what is it?" Jessie asked nervously.

Tina, Fang's secretary, informed us, "Well...your presence is requested at a meeting—or summit, rather, between the Brawltopian government and what remains of the Retropolian government, for treaty negotiations and to discuss more about a possible unification of the two nations to become one powerful empire. The summit will be held in Icino, Yellowknife, in the Northwestern Territories of the Canadian State of Retropolis. The location is a suspended castle above the mountains of Icino, which you have previously been to. It will be held tomorrow, from seven a.m. to an unconfirmed time."

"Thank you, Tina," Fang answered. The moment Tina headed out the door, we all burst into a stream of overlapping voices.

"Yet another summit?" Janet groaned.

"Do you think the unification will succeed?" Sandy questioned.

"What if they betray us again and cause more casualties?" Jessie worried.

"Back to that freezing icy place again?" Leon complained.

"And since when was there a hovering castle above the city? Exactly how many secrets is Retropolis keeping from us?" Fang demanded to no one in particular.

"Also, why are we needed?" Colette murmured, "How do we have anything to do with the unification?"

"Okay," I said, trying to process all the questions that had come popping out. When I was finally done thinking, I told them, "Janet, yes, unfortunately we do have to go to another summit. I know it sucks, but it may be key to some better development in our world. Sandy, I hope, things seem to be going quite well from John's daily updates. But some sort of unprecedented situation may pop up, because these are them dangerous, unpredictable Retropolians. Jessie, they very likely will, and if they do that, I'm sure the Brawltopians will raze them to the ground as punishment, given that it's already happened thrice in the last two decades."

"Thrice?" Janet asked in confusion.

"We'll explain later," Colette told her.

I continued, "Leon, yep, it sucks, but we have no choice. Fang, it seems like there are a lot. But hopefully they can move past that, and give us the peace treaty they've been offering without any other drama. And Col, because we were related to two of the past Retro War incidents—and for us two, three. So we play a part in this unification. And everyone, we better make the best of this chance. Because this is going to change our whole future, our whole world. We mustn't screw this up, or those evil, corrupted Retropolians will clinch the victory and turn the world into a living hell."

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