Just Like That

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Colette POV
And...just like that, our future changed completely. One second, we thought we would be staying in the orphanage until we were 18, and then try to find a low-class job for survival and to make a living. The next second...we had a free ticket to the most prestigious, the best school in Brawltopian grounds, Central Brawltopia National High. A place where the best education was provided, for the best of the best. The place where young kids went to for school, then grew up into refined, famous, world-changing gentlemen and ladies, the ticket to the upper class of people.

Just like that, our future looked a thousand times brighter, full of hope and possibilities. Full of excitement, and better guarantees of happiness.

So obviously, everyone that could go to the school eagerly accepted the invitation. In one month, the school year restarted and we joined the school, and now we had changed so much.

Colette POV (Present)
"To think it had all started with an ancient nuclear experiment. Just because of that nuclear experiment, Edgar and I went to discover the secrets hidden in the orphanage, I found the first part of the odd facility because of the blinding green smoke that Bull had released, then I ran to the emergency stairs to escape him, found the second part of it, found Emerson in the lab, then after that James, Aditi, Hana, numerous police officers and SSOs joined our search, arrested Bull for his heinous crimes, then Gale had to be brought in as the new manager, he kindly went to ask Dr Rosa for help, she gave him tickets that represented a better education, better world, better future, better life for us, we took the tickets, then we came to this great school, met Fang, the details of those six years in between errr not very fun but it helped Fang get together with Janet (also because of the Retro War and Bibi), which chained onto Jessie and Leon realising their feelings for each other and getting together," I summarised the whole story. Then I added, "Oh yeah, then we found Emerson."

"Wow, that story was insanely complex," Fang was the first to speak up. "At least Emerson and those wicked Retropolians still paid the price for their crimes. Because of this stupid Retro War they tried to start or rather started, they killed hundreds of friends, acquaintances and strangers. Then they injured god knows how many dozens more people. Like seriously? All this blood, gore and death just boils down to one stupid power struggle they tried to push for. Just like that." Fang growled.

"Well, at least everything went nuclear in their face, didn't it?" Sandy said. "They lost their mayor, half their ministers, so many undercover agents and even more soldiers."

"That is true," Leon pointed out. "Albert, Emerson, Bull, Bibi, Crow and who knows how many others are literally serving life sentences in our StarrHub jail right now."

With the reminder, their disgustingly familiar faces flashed through my mind.

I blinked hard to get rid of that horrible mental image.

"Compared to us, your story is insanely crazy," Jessie laughed. "So much random crap happening in the span of literally just two weeks—and you guys were still so young back then, nine? Or was it ten?"

"Yeah," Edgar agreed, which wasn't actually answering Jessie's question. "That sure was a confusing mess of emotions and events."

He looked at me in the eyes with the last words that he said and grinned widely with that signature smirk of his. I smiled and blushed, pushing my hair behind my ears and playing with it nervously.

Even though he knew about my feelings, and we had become a couple, he still made me blush and awkward every time he smiled at me.

That was true love for you.

And luckily, my friends didn't ask the last question that I was hoping to avoid. But I couldn't help thinking back about it as I glanced at Edgar's eyes, feeling myself get lost in them. It only took that one look to know what each of us was thinking about.

That day where we had become one together, just like today when Retropolis and Brawltopia would unify.

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