A Trap, An Escape (Danger Pt. 2)

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Edgar POV
"Miss Hana, how are we going to get back to the orphanage?" Somebody asked among the chaos. Despite what she had instructed, people were panicking and running around screaming, bumping into each other...

I hope there weren't darker dangers coming for us next.

"What's going on over here?" Foreign voices joined the murmurings of my friends. "What's happening to our vision? Why is everything so foggy and...green?"

I muttered to James and Aditi, "Looks like some other strangers are stuck with us too." And to them, I said, "Something weird has happened, we're unsure what's going on now. Apparently, whatever happened caused everyone who passed by to get their vision clouded and filtered by green light. We have no idea what's happening, so we're hoping that we can just wait for it to subside or something."

Whispers and murmurs of frustration, annoyance, disbelief, confusion, and every single other emotion rang out across the blurred clearing. The blinding green light seemed to be easing a bit, now I could make out very slight silhouettes in my view. Or maybe it was just a mirage, another illusion that was giving us false hope.

"Get us out of this soon..." I prayed. "And please don't let other be other dangers we're going to have face."

Colette POV
The pounding and reading of heavy footsteps continued to ring out as I dashed down the left hallway as quietly as I could, not wanting to attract attention. I couldn't hear which side the mysterious man had gone—but I really hoped he took the other path.

The entire left hallway was very short, just one ten-metre straight path then a bend to the right, an additional track that was just probably fifteen-metres.

Soon, I reached a dead end. But there were no footsteps for now that I could hear, which hopefully meant he went the other way.

I looked at the two doors flanking me on each side. One was the same colour as the door that the man had been messing with using his weird shotgun. Maybe it was connected to the other one.

I tried to pull the handle open, hoping that it would unlock and bring me somewhere safer, and away from this danger. The door, indeed was unlocked, and I pulled it open to find a room full of odd machinery, green potions bubbling far below and a series of what seemed like a hundred sketches, plans and markings. The nearby shelf was full of odd chemicals and potions, several of which had an odd symbol on it—a large circle split into six pieces, three coloured light green, the other three dark green, and one dark green circle in the centre.

I didn't want to know what that was. I was about to head down the flight of stairs that was connected to other levels of this odd facility, when I heard a loud sound below.

I glanced down in shock, my eyes surveying the mess. There was even more machinery on the two floors below, potions, chemicals, and lab coats, goggles...were they running an experiment here?

Then my eyes focused on the man in a dark trench coat on the bottom floor, which looked like a basement. He was experimenting with a number of chemicals, typing something on a machine beside him.

I couldn't escape this way. I pulled the door open again lightly, peering out into the hallway.

The bull-man wasn't there.

Then I peered at the door opposite me.

Emergency stairs.

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