The One

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Colette POV
It was two days after Gale had introduced himself to us and taken over the school, and it was our outside play time yet again. It was burning hot out there, so I decided to stay indoors with Aditi, who had the same mentality. Ever since Bull had been outed as a criminal and Gale had been tasked to take over the orphanage, there was no more mysteries, no more suspicious signs or activity, no more odd drama or hidden secrets.

I enjoyed the peace, and so did Aditi. But for her, she had a completely different reason than mine. She had been trying to convince me to confess my true feelings for Edgar to him, but it just...wasn't the time.

Okay, maybe it was the perfect time, but I was too afraid. Afraid he would reject me. Afraid he would laugh at me. Afraid he would avoid me. Afraid I would be embarrassed. But most of all...afraid that these silly feelings would ruin everything that we had between us. Our friendship, which I cherished more than ever.

Sure, I could barely utter a word to him, or look him in the eyes without my face going nuclear, or see him smile without almost concussing or fainting.

Was that true love? Or was it just a silly infatuation?

Aditi was convinced it was the first. But I was worried it was the latter.

"Look, there he is!" Aditi squealed loudly, bringing me out of the mental haze that I had trapped myself in. I followed her point of view and lined my eyes towards her focus, landing on a familiar blue-haired boy with the prettiest eyes ever, wearing a stylish scarf.

"Time to go, Colette, it's time. Stop delaying everything," Aditi told me.

"No, no! What if he's not the one?" I tried to distract her.

The One was a term that Aditi used to refer to each person's destiny, each person's true love, each person's fate, their one and only. Their soulmate.

Was Edgar really the perfect one for me? The one was hard to come by.

Aditi believed he was the one. I...was feeling a little less optimistic and confident about Edgar being the one. Sure I liked him, but this would risk the friendship between us. Shouldn't the one be someone you were blindly falling for, without even fearing about friendship?

"No," Aditi said, as if she had heard what was on my mind. Or maybe I was talking out loud.

I looked at Edgar. Eek, I hope I hadn't been.

Luckily, the "no" was likely focused on me saying that Edgar might not be the one, because Aditi's next words were, "I'm sure he's the one. You just need a little push from fate."

Then she giggled as she said, "Literally."

And before I knew what was happening, I literally tumbled across the room shrieking. Edgar turned around form the noise, his eyes widening in shock. But he caught me just in time.

"Woah, Colette, everything okay?" He asked me, his eyes sparkling with concern.

"Um...yeah..." I said nervously, stammering and feeling my cheeks get hot. I must look like I was going to explode. Like I was going nuclear.

Well...actually my mind already was.

"I just...need to...t-tell you s-something," I gushed out, knowing that Aditi was rooting for me.

"Well, what is it?" He asked in worry.

"It's—It's about my feelings," I braved out.

Then it took all the courage I had to finish, ""

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